Dark Patterns

Adrián Bolonio

User Interfaces Designed to Trick People

Adrián Bolonio



Senior Frontend Developer

Madrid (Spain)

What is a UI Dark Pattern?

"A Dark Pattern is a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills."

Harry Brignull

Types of Dark Patterns

  • Bait and Switch

  • Disguised Ads

  • Forced Continuity

  • Friend Spam

  • Misdirection

  • Price Comparison Prevention

  • Privacy Zuckering

  • Roach Motel

  • Sneak into Basket

  • Trick Questions

Bait and Switch

The user sets out to do one thing, but a different, undesirable thing happens instead.


This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, and it is very broad in nature – many dark patterns involve some kind of bait & switch.

Clicking the cross in the top-right hand corner of the pop-up box now agrees to a scheduled upgrade rather than rejecting it.

Bait and Switch

Roach Motel

A Roach Motel makes it very easy for a user to get into a certain situation, but then makes it hard for them to get out of it when they realize it is undesirable.

Easy IN - Difficult OUT

Roach Motel

Roach Motel

Default Opt-in

Roach Motel

Roach Motel

Roach Motel

Sneak into Basket

The user attempts to purchase a specific item.


However, somewhere in the purchasing journey the site sneaks an additional item into their basket, often through the use of an opt-out radio button or checkbox on a prior page.

Sneak into Basket

Sneak into Basket

Sneak into Basket

Sneak into Basket

Sneak into Basket

Sneak into Basket

Trick Questions

The user is required to respond to a question (typically in the checkout process), which, when glanced upon quickly appears to ask one thing, but if read carefully, asks another thing entirely.

”We don’t read pages. We scan them.“

Steve Krug

Trick Questions: Opt-out

Trick Questions: Hidden Opt-out

Trick Questions: Default Opt-in

Trick Questions: Opt-out dance

Mobile Games: Friend Spam

Mobile Games: Trick Questions


Harry Brignull




Adrián Bolonio

Dark Patterns - User Interfaces Designed to Trick People (Vienna UX)

By Adrián Bolonio

Dark Patterns - User Interfaces Designed to Trick People (Vienna UX)

Dark Patterns - User Interfaces Designed to Trick People

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