
 A scalable, extensible and robust monitoring and test-deployment solution for planetary scaled network

Objectives and requirements


  • Provide a service to deploy test on a system


  • Being able to receive data from this system


  • Focus on the architecture and protocols responsible for the flow of data from and to the user, from and to the nodes in the system.

Objectives and requirements


  • The complexity of the solution at a connection level should remain as low as possible, even with a growing number of nodes in the system.


  • The load on the nodes of the system and the network should remain low, and not grow rapidly with the number of nodes in the system.


  • The solution should be able to run in a non reliable network, being able to provide part or all of its services when handling network failures, until a certain point.

Objectives and requirements


  • The solution should be adapted to a changing system, with nodes being able to join or leave the network (following a crash or normally).


  • The costs of the solution should be bounded, by limiting the use of additional and dedicated components
  • The solution should get close to work in real-time.

Objectives and requirements


  • Network topology should not prevent the solution to run normally.


  • Data must be able to be communicated without aggregation if needed.

Objectives and requirements

Dividing the data flow

  • Dividing dataflow and make aggregation possible (but not mandatory) : bridge nodes


  • Avoiding a single node handling all the data processing by introducing a Message Queue (RabbitMQ)

Dividing the data flow

Leader election over a gossip membership discovery

Gossip membership discovery


  • Knowing the environment
  • Handling high turnover of nodes
  • Gossip protocol

Gossip membership discovery

The SWIM protocol

  • Partial views
  • Cycles of executions
  • UDP communications

Gossip membership discovery

Overview of the protocol

  • Identification of a node
  • Division in several states : ALIVE, SUSPECTED, DEAD
  • Heart-beat protocol with random selected neighbour
  • Merge policy, a key element of the SWIM protocol

Gossip membership discovery

The SWIM protocol

Adapting the SWIM protocol

  • No override possible of an DEAD node in the SWIM protocol
  • Introduction of a "NEW" state
  • Focus on the detection of failure, better have false positive !

Gossip membership discovery

The SWIM protocol


Gossip membership discovery

The SWIM protocol



Number of alive + suspected nodes through time with a network with 7\% of message drop since t=0


Gossip membership discovery

The SWIM protocol



Time for a node to reconnect to the network with a growing number of nodes


  • Reasonable load of the network thanks to the one-node-picked by cycle
  • Low quantity of data exchanged (Only part of the partial view)
  • Robust to network failures
  • Robust to nodes failure and turnover
  • However, topology limited

Gossip membership discovery

The SWIM protocol

Reliable broadcast

A difficult task

  • Need to ensure global message broadcast
  • Difficult task because of diverse failures
  • Hard to keep track of nodes that received the message

Reliable broadcast

Using SWIM

  • Using the partial view
  • Broadcast to a subpart of the partial view
  • Cascade re-broadcast
  • Maximum of rounds, and only-once broadcast

Reliable broadcast


Number of rounds and messages needed to broadcast a message to all the group with an increasing fanout

Reliable broadcast


Number of rounds and messages needed to broadcast a message to all the group with an increasing fanout and 7% of message drop

Reliable broadcast


  • No additional components
  • Close to real time
  • Overload and scalability subject to discussion : avoid to broadcast large messages, delay when re-broadcasting
  • Robust to failures

Reliable broadcast

Leader election

A multiple leader election

  • Existence : among all the nodes of the system, there is eventually at least N nodes that are aware of being a leader, and these nodes are non-faulty.


  • Weak agreement : among all the nodes of the system, all the non-faulty nodes are eventually aware of the existence of at least N leaders, and those leaders are not require to be the same from one node to another.

Leader election

The tools

  • Every node has the knowledge of a partial view of the network, and is able to know which node are likely to be non-faulty in this view


  • The failure of nodes can be eventually detected.          


  • A high-probability reliable broadcast provide a fast messaging to all the nodes of the system.

Leader election

Elections needed

  • The number of leaders in the system drops below N leaders : Leaders take care of electing a new node


  • All the leaders are dead, and an election should rebalance the number of leader again : highest ID in partial view


Leader election

Potential problems

  • A node can have highest ID in its partial view but not be the highest ID node of the system


  • Highest ID node can receive a lot of incoming messages        


  • Election number                                                                              

Leader election


Leader election

Number of leaders with a growing number of nodes and different network settings


  • No additional components
  • Close to real time
  • Scaling well since built on top of scaling protocols
  • Robust to failures
  • Growing number of connections and data on the network not increasing more than linearly

Leader election

The use of leaders to ensure data flow


  • Every data from a node should reach the message queue at least once, explicitly or implicitly through an aggregation
  • The data should reach the message queue in real-time
  • Aggregation should be provided by the solution to reduce the data throughput if needed
  • Filtering should be provided by the solution for the same reasons as the aggregation
  • Monito requirements

The use of leaders to ensure data flow

The leader as a buffer


The use of leaders to ensure data flow

Percentage of data redundancy with an increasing rate of message drop on the network


The use of leaders to ensure data flow

Number of leaders with an increasing number of nodes in the system, and stressful data flow conditions


  • Scales well : aggregation and leader number
  • Robust to failures
  • Close to real time
  • Load on nodes divided among leaders
  • No additional components

The use of leaders to ensure data flow

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol


  • Send a test to all the nodes in the system

  • Send a test to a specific node in the system

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol

CDN based protocol

  • Following a previous attempt not described here
  • Uses a CDN as an external component to provide security

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol

CDN based protocol

What if leaders die before broadcasting ?

Time to detect a leader's death with a growing number of nodes in the system

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol

CDN based protocol

Test pulling

Percentage of nodes receiving tests after a deployment cycle with a growing number of nodes

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol

CDN based protocol

Failure events

Percentage of nodes receiving tests after failures event

The data flow, base of a test deployment protocol

CDN based protocol


  • This time requires external component if CDN solution is used
  • Still robust, scalable, close to real time.

Scaling the election leader protocol

Future work

  • More measurement, especially in network load
  • Improve the broadcast algorithm (Decreasing fanout)
  • Bullet Three
  • Impact of partial view distribution
  • Bootstrap node related problems (node management...)
  • Resign leader from election protocol

Future work


  • The number of connections in the system is whether independent of the number of nodes in the system, or growing linearly with it, but always at a lower rate.


  • The load on the network is constant or, most of the time, that is growing linearly with the number of nodes in the system, once again with a lower rate thanks to aggregation process and communication optimizations.


  • Robust to network failures : all the solutions presented in the sections have been proved to work under high message drop and high latency without influencing the global data flow




  • Robust to node failures, disconnection and connections : with the membership discovery service, the system map was able to be updated in a fairly short time.


  •  Low number of additional components, that is constant even when the number of nodes in the system increases


  • Close to a real time solution, that we consider as real time in the monitoring and test deployment use case.




  • Aggregation of the data is not mandatory but can be used easily


  • Sensible to the network topology, forcing a manual group division of the system to be able to work, and where topology can influence the scalability (One node per group would for instance represent a normal centralized solution).



Master thesis presentation

By Adrien Duffy-coissard

Master thesis presentation

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