From Scratch
Alekos Filini - @afilini
- Basic Linux commands
- Download Core and verify the signature
- Setup a system service
- Common config options
- Moving to a virtualized environment
Linux Cheatsheet
$ cd # change dir
$ ls # list its content
$ mkdir # new directory
$ cp # copy a file
$ mv # move a file
$ sudo # run as admin
$ useradd # create a user
$ chown # change-owner
$ tar # handle archives
# `xf` to extract
$ wget # download files
$ gpg # verify signatures
$ sha256sum # compute the SHA256 of a file
$ vim # text editor
*ALWAYS* Verify Signatures
- You should follow this rule for every software
- But it's particularily important in Bitcoin's case
- For both nodes *and* wallets
- A malicious software could steal your keys, provide invalid data, follow the wrong chain, and many other bad things
- By checking the signature we move the trust anchor to the moment we import a public key
- Just remember that signatures for old, potentially buggy, releases *will remain valid*
- Always double check you are downloading the latest version
- A legit but vulnerable version is as bad as a fake version
- But.. how do you know you are importing the right key?
Well... here it is:
01EA 5486 DE18 A882 D4C2
6845 90C8 019E 36C2 E964
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys <KEY ID>
Isolation through Virtualization
- Similar to QubesOS' model
- Different programs are run in isolated VMs
- They can talk to each other via a virtual lan
- Can also help to keep things clean
- Allows you to "safely" run other software on your node
- Lightning node
- Block explorer
- Electrum server
- Tor relay node
Bitcoin Core from Scratch
By Alekos Filini
Bitcoin Core from Scratch
- 584