Lightning Poker
Alekos Filini - @afilini
- Routing of payments
- Oracles on Lightning
- Lightning Poker
- What can be improved
- Questions
Routing of payments
- Routing a payment involves asking other nodes to do something for us
- We offer them a fee for this!
- Nodes have an incentive to route, but we can't force them
- Nodes could just refuse to route a specific payment
Oracles on Lightning
- Every node which is part of a route could act as an oracle
- It could wait for the outcome of an event
- And then decide whether to route the payment or not, based on that outcome
- Imagine two people betting on an event
- They both pay each other through the oracle
- The oracle waits for the outcome, and then only make one payment go through
Lightning Poker
- Whenever a player places a bet, it sends a payment to all the other players
- The oracle waits for the hand to finish
- Then lets all the payment to the winner go through, and blocks all the others
What can be improved
- Split up payments to allow for more complex outcomes
- Reuse the same liquidity for multiple payments
- Local extension of the Lightning protocol
- HTLCs with multiple preimages
Thank you!
Alekos Filini - @afilini
Lightning Poker
By Alekos Filini
Lightning Poker
- 562