git in it!

Ashley Williams
ashleygwilliams // @ag_dubs

version control. 


working with other people is hard.


is caring.

git => local

github => remote

how to make a repo on github

1. new repo

2. git clone

how to make a repo on git

1. git init

2. git add remote

3. git push -u

basic workflow

git ADD

git commit -m

git push

git status

is your bff

basic workflow

git add

git commit -m

git push


$%^&*()(*@$*)( !!!

git checkout --

undo changes you haven't added

git reset head

get rid of files you've added

there's more.

but i'm out of time.

level up 

your git-fu:

make mistakes.

code with friends.

code without fear.

git in it!

By ag_dubs_cfa