Fire Fighting: A developer's story!

Ahmed Eid

Software Developer, Amsterdam



  • What to expect?
  • What brought me here?
  • What is a fire?
  • Fire-fighting vs. The team
  • Mapping out dependencies
  • Feature toggles
  • Abuser Stories
  • The unknown unknowns!

What to expect?

  • Why fires aren't only harming your SLIs?
  • A pro-active approach to fire-fighting.
  • What could they have done better?

What brought me here?

  • Same process, different problem
  • The scale matters
  • Less fire-fighting = Higher productivity

What is a fire?

Anything that would require you to drop whatever you have in hands and start working on.

IOW, anything that would require an emergency re-allocation of resources!

What leads to them?

  • Cutting corners while solving problems
  • Too many problems and no enough time
  • Allowing others control the project agenda
  • No priorities, everything is urgent

Fires are harmful

  • Disturb the planned work
  • Hero culture
  • Stressful for fighters
  • Patches make it chronic


  • Think about your subsystems and dependencies
  • Document impact in case of failure
  • Think of fallbacks or degradation of service
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Users DB Fatal N/A Needed
User activity stream Needed Needed Needed
Products DB N/A Fatal Fatal
Stored Cards N/A N/A Needed


  • What are they?
  • Release Toggles vs Long-lived Switches
  • Document them:
    • When to use?
    • What is the impact?
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Users DB Fatal N/A Needed
User activity stream Needed Needed Needed
Products DB N/A Fatal Fatal
Stored Cards N/A N/A Needed

Abuser Stories

  • Evil users?!
  • It's important to change hats
  • At least think of it so you are ready


As an abuser, I'd like to live stream violent content(video) in order to make it viral.


As an abuser, I want to post social engineering-based scams and make them go viral.

The unknown unknowns

  • You don't know what you don't know
  • Users use systems in unexpected ways
  • Log messages & metrics are your best friends


Thanks :)

Fire Fighting

By Ahmed Eid

Fire Fighting

  • 132