• Privacy-first architecture

  • Privacy-first architecture (Short)

  • How to Make Popular Open Source Project

  • Why OKLCH is the future of colors in CSS

  • Why I created Logux

  • Front-end innovation is over

  • How to Make Popular Open Source Project

  • CRDT and other new ideas for client-server communication

    Right now we have great frameworks and technologies to create websites and mobile apps. We have great languages and databases for server back-end. But there are no many changes in a connection between client and server. Many application stops to work with a slow or unstable connection. Loaders block our UX on every small step. Most of the application doesn’t have offline support and live updates. We are not ready for next billion users with slow Internet. But also we are not ready for the unstable Internet in metro or low-signal LTE. Andrey Sitnik, the creator of PostCSS and Autoprefixer, will speak about new ideas in client-server communications. How the mix of ideas behind CRDT, distributed computing, and Elm/Redux could change the UX in most of applications.

  • CRDT and other new ideas for client-server communication

    Right now we have great frameworks and technologies to create websites and mobile apps. We have great languages and databases for server back-end. But there are no many changes in a connection between client and server. Many application stops to work with a slow or unstable connection. Loaders block our UX on every small step. Most of the application doesn’t have offline support and live updates. We are not ready for next billion users with slow Internet. But also we are not ready for the unstable Internet in metro or low-signal LTE. Andrey Sitnik, the creator of PostCSS and Autoprefixer, will speak about new ideas in client-server communications. How the mix of ideas behind CRDT, distributed computing, and Elm/Redux could change the UX in most of applications.

  • What developers can learn from Soviet space program failures

  • PostCSS Way

  • CRDT and other new ideas for client-server communication

    Right now we have great frameworks and technologies to create websites and mobile apps. We have great languages and databases for server back-end. But there are no many changes in a connection between client and server. Many application stops to work with a slow or unstable connection. Loaders block our UX on every small step. Most of the application doesn’t have offline support and live updates. We are not ready for next billion users with slow Internet. But also we are not ready for the unstable Internet in metro or low-signal LTE. Andrey Sitnik, the creator of PostCSS and Autoprefixer, will speak about new ideas in client-server communications. How the mix of ideas behind CRDT, distributed computing, and Elm/Redux could change the UX in most of applications.

  • Browserslist

    Browserslist is a config to share target browsers between different front-end tools

  • What is Logux

  • Чему ИТ может научиться у космической индустрии

  • Size Limit: Make the Web lighter

    Size Limit is a tool to prevent JavaScript libraries bloat. With it, you know exactly for how many kilobytes your JS library increases the user bundle. You can add Size Limit to your continuous integration service (such as Travis CI) and set the limit. If you accidentally add a massive dependency, Size Limit will throw an error.

  • Using Logux in Production

  • Logux, a new way of client-server conversation (Chinese)

  • Robots must suffer — linters and tools for front-end development

    Linters are tools to automatically find mistakes and fix them for you. Andrey Sitnik, the creator of PostCSS and Autoprefixer, will tell about unknown useful linter and how to use them in the best way.

  • Logux, a new way of client-server conversation

  • Stylelint: Why and How to Lint CSS

  • Stylelint — как и зачем линтить CSS

  • CSS Components in Practice

  • PostCSS Intro

  • PostCSS Isolation Short

  • Изоляция CSS

  • Привет, PostCSS