Why oklch()
is the future of
colors in CSS
Andrey Sitnik, Evil Martians

rgb(186, 47, 226)
oklch(60% 0.26 317)
Front-end Principal at

The author of
CSS has evolved a lot
:root {
--big-font: 18px; /* Variables */
.title {
&.is-center { /* Nesting */
/* Vertical centering */
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
Changes are coming to colors too
.old {
background: #bd89c2;
background: hsl(295, 32%, 65%);
.new {
background: oklch(70% 0.1 324);
Why do we need changes?
P3 colors
New screens show more colors
Many new Apple devices already support P3
Change 1

Design systems
Change 2

// old, for machine // new, for human
rgb() oklch()
#hex lch()
CSS Color 4 added better colors
Change 3
.error {
background: oklch(from var(--accent) l c 20);
Native color transform in CSS Color 5
Change 4
Section 2
What is oklch()
/* No comma */
rgb(1, 2, 3) → rgb(1 2 3)
/* No special function for alpha */
rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.5) → rgb(1 2 3 / 0.5)
/* % for alpha */
rgb(1 2 3 / 0.5) → rgb(1 2 3 / 50%)
/* The same for oklch() and all other color functions */
oklch(70% 0.1 330 / 50%)
New color syntax in CSS Color 4
OKLCH axes

oklch(L% C H / ALPHA)
* — technically, chroma is unlimited, not sRGB, P3 or Rec2020 > 0.4
oklch(100% 0 0) /* white */
oklch( 0% 0 0) /* black */
oklch( 60% 0 0) /* gray */
oklch( 60% 0.2 20) /* red */
OKLCH examples
oklch(75% 0.2 320) /* light purple */
oklch(45% 0.2 320) /* dark purple */
oklch(75% 0.1 320) /* faded purple */
oklch(75% 0.2 140) /* complementary green */
More OKLCH examples
Section 3
Why not rgb() or #hex?
Copy-and-paste programming

“It’s harder
to read code than to write it”
— Joel Spolsky
Readability: which is darker?
Problem 1
Which has a contrast issue?
Problem 1
button.is-main {
background: #8000ff;
color: #ffffff;
button.is-secondary {
background: #80ff00;
color: #ffffff;
The answer
Problem 1
button.is-main {
background: #8000ff;
color: #ffffff;
button.is-secondary {
background: #80ff00;
color: #ffffff;
Contrast issue
Compare with oklch()
Problem 1
button.is-main {
background: oklch(53% 0.29 294);
color: oklch(100% 0 0);
button.is-main {
background: #8000ff;
color: #ffffff;
Contrast issue
button.is-secondary {
background: #80ff00;
color: #ffffff;
button.is-secondary {
background: oklch(89% 0.26 136);
color: oklch(100% 0 0);
No random color picking anymore
Problem 2

Palette generation in design systems
Problem 2
--red-${i}: oklch(${60 * i / 100} ${0.3 * i / 100} 20)

Section 4
Why not hsl()?
Are hsl() and oklch() similar?
Which has a contrast issue?
button.is-main {
background: hsl(270 100% 50%);
color: hsl(0 0 100%);
button.is-secondary {
background: hsl(90 100% 50%);
color: hsl(0 0 100%);
The answer
button.is-main {
background: hsl(270 100% 50%);
color: hsl(0 0 100%);
button.is-secondary {
background: hsl(90 100% 50%);
color: hsl(0 0 100%);
button.is-main {
background: oklch(53% 0.29 294);
color: oklch(100% 0 0);
Contrast issue
button.is-secondary {
background: oklch(89% 0.26 136);
color: oklch(100% 0 0);
The problem
The problem is not with a single pair

Section 5
Why is hsl() so bad?
HSL is a cylindrical color model
Every hue has the same steps of lightness levels

Eye color sensitivity is complex
Image by Wikipedia
OKLCH is more accurate
Every hue has different steps of lightness

HSL deforms space

How human eye sees colors
HSL deforms it to rectangle
HSL deforms artifacts visible in b/w

Section 6
Native color transformation
hsl(from hsl( 5 6 7) h s l )
Color modification in CSS Colors 5
Just an example. Don’t use with hsl() in real projects.
/* H S L */
hsl(from hsl( 5 6 7) 15 16 17) → hsl(15 16 17)
hsl(from hsl( 5 6 7) h s 17) → hsl( 5 6 17)
hsl(from hsl( 5 6 7) h s calc(l + 10)) → hsl( 5 6 17)
How relative colors will work
Just an example. Don’t use with hsl() in real projects.
Just an example. Don’t use with hsl() in real projects.
/* A little lighter */
hsl(from var(--accent) h s calc(l + 10%))
/* Error from accent */
hsl(from var(--accent) 10 s l)
Better with Custom Properties
hsl(from var(--accent) h s calc(l - 10%))
darken($accent, 10%)
Why not darken() from Sass?
darken(#7aae73, 40%)
darken(#40b1b2, 40%)
↓ darker
↑ lighter
Because darken() uses HSL
In Native color transforms,
we can choose the color model
/* Bad: unpredictable */
hsl(from var(--accent) h s calc(l + 10%))
/* Good */
oklch(from var(--accent) calc(l + 10%) c h)
Use oklch() now…
button {
background: oklch(53% 0.29 294);
button:hover {
background: oklch(63% 0.29 294);
… to be familiar with oklch()
for native color transforms
button {
--color: oklch(53% 0.29 294);
background: var(--color);
button:hover {
background: oklch(from var(--color) calc(l + 10%) c h);
Real magic with Custom Properties
button {
background: var(--color);
border: oklch(from var(--color) calc(l - 20%) c h);
button:hover {
background: oklch(from var(--color) calc(l + 10%) c h);
button { --color: var(--accent) }
button[disabled] { --color: var(--gray) }
button.is-delete { --color: var(--error) }
Section 7
Wide-gamut P3 colors
Why does the sunset look different
if we have 16.7 million colors?

Screens show only 36% of all colors

All colors visible
by human

Modern screens show +25% colors
P3 is new retina: but how to use it?
button {
background: #16f560;
@media (color-gamut: p3) {
button {
background: /* ? */;
P3 support
oklch() supports P3 colors
button {
background: oklch(85% 0.25 147);
@media (color-gamut: p3) {
button {
background: oklch(85% 0.35 147);

On non-P3 screens, the example will show only an emulation of the difference
oklch() supports beyond P3 colors


Far future

Chroma →
Section 8
oklch() problems
Is oklch() perfect?
CSS native support
The best for color transformation
Wide-gamut P3 colors
Not every oklch() is in sRGB
Problem 1

But browsers find the closest color

No hue changes
Ecosystem is still growing
Problem 2
OKLCH color space was created
oklch() was added to Safari
First OKLCH color picker
Figma support
But ecosystem is growing fast

Section 9
Adding oklch() to project
Polyfill: postcss-preset-env
.foo {
color: oklch(60% 0.13 30);
.foo {
color: rgb(193, 94, 80);
Step 1
.p3 {
color: oklch(40% 0.27 35);
It also supports P3 colors
.p3 {
color: rgb(131, 28, 0);
color: color(display-p3 0.49 0.11 0);
Convert colors in OKLCH color picker

Step 2
Or by automatic script
npx convert-to-oklch ./src/**/*.css
.some {
background: #bd89c2;
.some {
background: oklch(70% 0.1 324);
Enforce oklch() by Stylelint
Step 3
// .stylelintrc
"rules": {
"function-disallowed-list": ["rgba", "hsla", "rgb", "hsl"],
"color-function-notation": "modern",
"color-no-hex": true
Work together with a designer
to add P3 colors
Step 4
Add P3 colors to your landing page

button {
background: oklch(85% 0.25 147);
@media (color-gamut: p3) {
button {
background: oklch(85% 0.35 147);
Read our article about OKLCH
Step 5

Section 10
The result
Benefit 1: Readability
.warning {
background: oklch(95% 0.1 100);
color: oklch(75% 0.15 100);
Warning example
95% − 75% = 20% lightness difference
It is not enough for a good contrast
Benefit 2: P3 ready, rich colors on Apple

P3 is new retina
Benefit 3: Editable colors in code
button {
background: oklch(75% 0.2 320);
&:hover {
background: oklch(70% 0.2 320);
/* 5% darker */
Benefit 4: Analyzable
if (l > 0.5) {
return 'color: black'
} else {
return 'color: white'

Black text is readable
White text is readable
Benefit 5: A11y palettes generation

Huetone uses OKLCH to generate palette with predictable contrast
Benefit 6: Colors understanding

Benefit 7: Understanding designers


Why OKLCH is the future of colors in CSS
By Andrey Sitnik
Why OKLCH is the future of colors in CSS
- 4,829