Good Evening

Akash Gupta

presentation by



Financial service for poor and low income clients   

Loans , Mortgage

and other services

Micro-finance Institutions

Grameen Bank                          Utkarsh(U.P. , Bihar)


For Individuals

relationship-based banking


small business,

individual entrepreneurs

For Groups

group-based models

to apply for

loans and services

as a group

Microfinance institutions(MFI's)

Grameen Bank

Originated in 1976                

Introduced by Muhammad Yunus   

Serving 7 million Bangladeshi people

Bandhan Bank

Originated in 2001                    

Capital base of 2570 Crores INR       

Globally 2nd largest Institution (Indian) 


Lysander Spooner

mid 1800's

Small credits to Entrepreneurs and Farmers

Friedrich Wilhelm


First Cooperative lending Bank of Germany

Muhammad Yunus

Grameen Bank, Bangladesh                                     Nobel Peace Prize laureate

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

Loan without Security

maximum amount of Rs 25,000



Reduces Poverty

Increases Employment and Income

Improved Nutrition and Education

Empowerment of Women Society


Critics: no change in Income

Debt trap

Health and Education not improved

No loan Security led to higher Interest Rates

Debate is still Inconclusive

MFI growth in india

Due to high population density and poverty ratio of India,

MFI's have always seen great growth with growing

awareness about the Services

MFI growth in Bangladesh

MFI's in Bangladesh will exist or not is decided by the

development. Even constant growth can put MFI's in debt.

Yet banks have grown quite well.

“poor people are the world's greatest entrepreneurs. Every day, they must innovate in order to survive. They remain poor because they do not have the opportunities to turn their creativity into sustainable income.”

Great Change takes Great Courage

-Muhammad Yunus

Thank You

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By Akash Gupta

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