UI/UX Best Practices for Designing Amazing Web Apps


Part II: ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor

Allan Laframboise

Michael Gaigg

We want to style vector tile basemaps! 

Round #1

Round #2

Round #3

Round #4

Let's back up...

Who is using it?

What do they want to do?

Design Challenges

  • Hide the spec
  • Mask the complexity of maps (150-350, 500 layers)
  • Make it fast and easy to use (for everyone)
  • Give power-users full control
  • Do not expose the JSON spec!

Was it successful?

  • Few enhancement requests
  • Performance
  • Feedback

Test drive the VTSE tutorials on developers.arcgis.com

Improving your Web App through UI/UX Best Practices

By alaframboise

Improving your Web App through UI/UX Best Practices

Part II: Designing the Vector Tile Style Editor

  • 2,572