GeoDev DevLab
Allan Laframboise

Welcome to the
GeoDev DevLab
What's a geodev lab?
Build geo apps with ArcGIS
Beyond the documentation - Under the hood - Maps to apps
Informal - Interactive - Tips & tricks - Follow along or try yourself
Demos & Short labs
What are we building?
Santa Monica Mountains App

1) ArcGIS Online (maps, data, services, analyses)?
2) ArcGIS JavaScript development?
Scale of 1-10...
How familiar are you with:
Getting Started
ArcGIS Development
ArcGIS Platform

ArcGIS Dev Process
ArcGIS Pro
Map Viewer
App Builders
REST Services
Web Maps
Let's get set up!
Sign up at ArcGIS for Developers
Redeem voucher
Sign up at (JavaScript developers)
Voucher Code: XXX
Part 1

ArcGIS Online
Store data
in the cloud
Hosted Services
- Feature Service
- Tile Service

1. Import Data
- ArcGIS Online
- Use "Add Item"
- View and Query REST endpoint
2. Create New Data
- ArcGIS for Developers
- Create Dataset
- Define schema interactively
- ArcGIS Online Map View to add data
3. Make Data from Data
- GeoEnrich Data
- Buffers
- Drive/walk time
- Spatial Analyses
- Use feature service URLs
- Add as a layer to the map
- Uses default styling
Your turn!
Part 2

ArcGIS Online
Create and style
web maps
Create a new web map
- ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
- Add layers and basemaps
- Create, Edit, Share data
- Use in apps
- Stored and accessible as JSON
Style Layers
- Default Renderers
- Points
- Lines
- Polygons
- Use custom symbology
Style Popups
- Override default popup settings
- Format - title, body, fields, values
- Charts
Smart Mapping
- "Smart" styling of layers based on data
- Apply symbols and colors
- Based on fields, data, formulas
- Color ramps with breaks
- Override
Save Layer Styles
- Copy and save layers with custom symbology
- Save as new items
- Inspect JSON
- Use JSON in apps
Style Vector Tiles
- New basemaps in ArcGIS Online (Beta)
- Easy to edit and style root.json
- Re-upload to update your layer
Style 3d layers
- Use Scene viewer or JS API 4.0
- Access layers
- Apply 3D symbols
- Add a styled layer to an app
- Style a layer with JSON
- Style a layer popup
- Add vector tile basemap
Your turn!
Part 3

Templates, Builders & APIs
Build apps from
maps and layers
Web Map Apps
- Reference web map and it's configurations
- e.g. title, subtitle, legend, map, popups
- Re-use styles and configuration
- Can be updated independently of app code
Apps from Web Maps
1. Configurable Apps
- Specific apps that bring your maps to life
- Many to choose from
- Configure, save, share, reconfigure
- Source code on GitHub
- Download, customize and host
2. Web AppBuilder
- Powerful app builder
- Mobile friendly apps
- Many themes and layouts
- Easy to configure, save, share
- Builder - custom widgets and themes
3. ArcGIS JS API 3.x/4.x
- Powerful APIs for accessing ArcGIS
- Documentation and samples
- Access web maps by ID
- Widgets
Apps from Layers
- Plugin for accessing ArcGIS services
- Basemaps, feature services, geo services
- Access REST endpoints
- Pure JS API
Apps in
Calcite Maps - Bootstrap
- Modern framework for map apps
- CSS for different layouts
- Optional custom Sass build
- Support for ArcGIS JS 3.x, 4.x & Esri-Leaflet
Native Apps
from Maps
App Studio
- Tool for building native apps - no code!
- Create from web maps and templates
- Build for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac
- Player for testing and distribution
- Builder for local development
Your turn!
- ArcGIS Dev Process: Data - Design - Develop
- ArcGIS services, spatial analyses and mapping tools
- ArcGIS Templates, Builders and APIs
Use web maps to build apps quickly!
Geodev Hackerlab
The end!

What did you think?
GeoDev Hackerlabs
By alaframboise
GeoDev Hackerlabs
- 5,899