holding Scala's productivity together
Aleksander Rainko
- a quick rant about JSON APIs
- what is ducktape?
- IDLs & codegen
- putting all of the above together
the story
Moving JSON from socket A to socket B pays the bills.
It's also really, really mundane.
- create the route definition with a DSL of your choice
- actually model the request/response model of the definition above
- somehow transform the API model to your domain model (that usually means validation, parsing, sanitization etc.)
- document the contract you just created for other teams to actually use (and remember not to break it!)
- apply the business sauce
but what if we didn't actually have to?
- document the contract you just created for other teams to actually use (and remember not to break it!)
- apply the business sauce
what is ducktape?
- a macro-based library for automatic and configurable transformations
- heavily inspired by chimney
- a dotty exclusive
what is it made of?
trait Transformer[Source, Dest] {
def transform(value: Source): Dest
- Transformer is the primitive that everything else is built out of
- instances for the most common transformations available out of the box
- automatic derivation for case classes and enums
import io.github.arainko.ducktape.*
case class Talk(name: String, pitch: String, presenter: Presenter)
case class Presenter(name: String, bio: String)
case class Talk2(pitch: String, presenter: Presenter2, name: String)
case class Presenter2(bio: String, name: String)
val talk: Talk = ???
val talk2: Talk2 =[Talk2]
val talk2: Talk2 = to[Talk](talk)[Talk2](
inline$make$i1[Talk, Talk2](ForProduct)(
(source: Talk) =>
new Talk2(
pitch = source.pitch,
presenter = new Presenter2(
bio =,
name =
name =
): Transformer[Talk, Talk2]
): ForProduct[Talk, Talk2]
enum EventType {
case OnSite, Online
enum ConferenceType {
case OnSite, Online, Hybrid
val confType =[ConferenceType]
val confType = to[EventType](EventType.OnSite)[ConferenceType] {
val x$1$proxy1: Mirror.SumOf[EvenType] = ...
val x$2$proxy1: Mirror.SumOf[ConferenceType] = ...
inline$make$i2[EventType, ConferenceType](ForCoproduct)(
(source: EventType) =>
if (source.isInstanceOf[OnSite.type]) OnSite
else if (source.isInstanceOf[Online.type]) Online
else throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled condition encountered during Coproduct Transformer derivation")
): Transformer[EventType, ConferenceType]
): ForCoproduct[EventType, ConferenceType]
but what if it doesn't perfectly match?
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
case class SeriousPerson(firstName: String, lastName: String, SSN: String)
val person: Person = ???
// compiletime error: No field named 'SSN' found in Person
val seriousPerson: SeriousPerson =[SeriousPerson]
Yeah, it's not all lollipops and crisps - thankfully we've got this covered:
val seriousPerson: SeriousPerson =
// SSN is set to 'ConstSSN'
Field.const(_.SSN, "ConstSSN"),
// SSN is set to the concatenation of 'firstName' and "SSN"
Field.computed(_.SSN, _.firstName + "SSN"),
// SSN is taken from another field, 'lastName' in this case
Field.renamed(_.SSN, _.lastName)
okay, but what if the constructor is private?
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String)
case class SeriousPerson private (
firstName: String, lastName: String, SSN: String
object SeriousPerson {
def create(
firstName: String, lastName: String, SSN: String
): Either[String, SeriousPerson] = ???
val person: Person = ???
//compiletime error: No field named 'SSN' found in Person
val seriousPerson: Either[String, SeriousPerson] =
val seriousPerson: Either[String, SeriousPerson] =
// SSN is set to 'ConstSSN'
Arg.const(_.SSN, "ConstSSN"),
// SSN is set to the concatenation of 'firstName' and "SSN"
Arg.computed(_.SSN, _.firstName + "SSN"),
// SSN is taken from another field, 'lastName' in this case
Arg.renamed(_.SSN, _.lastName)
Believe it or not, that's also alright.
what about the case where a case class is made of fields that have private constructors that return Eithers or Options?
Once again, yes... Sort of - we just have to put in some additional work.
enter fallible transformers
trait FallibleTransformer[F[+x], Source, Dest] {
def transform(value: Source): F[Dest]
sealed trait Mode[F[+x]] {
def pure[A](value: A): F[A]
def map[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B]
object Mode {
trait Accumulating[F[+x]] extends Mode[F] {
def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)]
trait FailFast[F[+x]] extends Mode[F] {
def flatMap[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => F[B]): F[B]
a quick example
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
case class SeriousPerson(name: String, age: Age, SSN: SSN)
case class Age private (value: Int)
object Age {
export transformer.transform as make
given transformer: Transformer.Fallible[Either[List[String], _], Int, Age] =
value => Either.cond(value > 0, Age(value), "age is not > 0" :: Nil)
case class SSN private (value: String)
object SSN {
val default = SSN("0" * 12)
def make(value: String): Either[List[String], SSN] =
Either.cond(value.size >= 12, SSN(value), "SSN is not 12 chars long" :: Nil)
given Transformer.Mode.Accumulating[Either[List[String], _]] =
val person = Person("Tristan Bongo", 21)
val seriousPerson: Either[List[String], SeriousPerson] =
// we can use all config options from total transformations
Field.const(_.SSN, SSN.default),
// a fallible variant of Field.const
Field.fallibleConst(_.SSN, SSN.make("1" * 12)),
// a fallible variant of Field.computed
Field.fallibleComputed(_.SSN, SSN.make.compose(
a quick example
val Fallible_this: Fallible[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A], Accumulating[
[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A]
], Person, SeriousPerson] =
into[Person](person)[SeriousPerson].fallible[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A], Accumulating[
[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A]
val $scrutinee1: inline$F.type = Fallible_this.inline$F
val given_Accumulating_F: Accumulating[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A]] = $scrutinee1
val source$proxy1: Person = Fallible_this.inline$source[Tuple2[SSN, Age], SeriousPerson](
given_Accumulating_F.product[SSN, Age](
((value: String) => SSN.make(value)).compose[Person]((_$2: Person) => _$$proxy1),
(`value₂`: Tuple2[SSN, Age]) =>
`value₂` match {
case Tuple2(SSN, age) =>
new SeriousPerson(name = source$, age = age, SSN = SSN)
case x =>
throw new MatchError(x)
): Either[List[String], SeriousPerson]
}: Either[List[String], SeriousPerson]
and it gets expanded into this:
a quick example
val Fallible_this: Fallible[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A], FailFast[
[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A]
], Person, SeriousPerson] = into[Person](person)[SeriousPerson]
.fallible[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A], FailFast[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A]]](
val $scrutinee1: inline$F.type = Fallible_this.inline$F
val given_FailFast_F: FailFast[[A >: Nothing <: Any] =>> Either[List[String], A]] = $scrutinee1
val source$proxy1: Person = Fallible_this.inline$source
given_FailFast_F.flatMap[SSN, SeriousPerson](
((value: String) => SSN.make(value)).compose[Person]((_$2: Person) => _$$proxy1),
(SSN: SSN) =>[Age, SeriousPerson](
(age: Age) => new SeriousPerson(name = source$, age = age, SSN = SSN)
): Either[List[String], SeriousPerson]
}: Either[List[String], SeriousPerson]
it gets expanded into something slightly different:
given Transformer.Mode.FailFast[Either[List[String], _]] =
and now if we change the transformation mode...
Interface Description Languages aka IDLs
Open API
openapi: "3.0.0"
version: 0.0.1
title: Event Management
- url: http://localhost:9001
summary: Create a new conference
operationId: create-conference
required: true
$ref: "#/components/schemas/CreateConference"
description: "Conference successfully created"
description: "Invalid entity"
$ref: "#/components/schemas/ValidationErrors"
type: object
type: string
$ref: "#/components/schemas/DateSpan"
type: string
- name
- dateSpan
- city
type: object
type: string
format: date
type: string
format: date
- start
- end
type: object
type: array
type: string
- errors
- declarative and focused on a single thing
- codegen support for every possible language under the sun
- great Scala support in the form of guardrail
- your source of truth for both implementers and consumers
what does this give us?
the API model
// file: CreateConference.scala
case class CreateConference(name: String, dateSpan: DateSpan, city: String)
object CreateConference {
implicit val encodeCreateConference: Encoder.AsObject[CreateConference] = ...
implicit val decodeCreateConference: Decoder[CreateConference] = ...
//file: DateSpan.scala
case class DateSpan(start: LocalDate, end: LocalDate)
object DateSpan {
implicit val encodeDateSpan: Encoder.AsObject[DateSpan] = ...
implicit val decodeDateSpan: Decoder[DateSpan] = ...
//file: ValidationErrors.scala
case class ValidationErrors(errors: Vector[String])
object ValidationErrors {
implicit val encodeValidationErrors: Encoder.AsObject[ValidationErrors] = ...
implicit val decodeValidationErrors: Decoder[ValidationErrors] = ...
//file: Routes.scala
class Resource[F[_]](implicit F: Async[F]) extends Http4sDsl[F] with CirceInstances {
def routes(handler: Handler[F]): HttpRoutes[F] =
/* all the code you don't want to write is here */
object Resource {
sealed abstract class CreateConferenceResponse
object CreateConferenceResponse {
case object Created extends CreateConferenceResponse
case class BadRequest(value: ValidationErrors) extends CreateConferenceResponse
the unfun part
//file: Routes.scala
trait Handler[F[_]] {
def createConference(respond: Resource.CreateConferenceResponse.type)(
body: CreateConference
): F[Resource.CreateConferenceResponse]
the actually useful part
about that transformation thingy...
Each validated field is a new type... NEWTYPES!
abstract class NewtypeValidated[A, Constraint](using
Validate[A, Constraint], Name
) {
opaque type Type = A Refined Constraint
def make(value: A): Either[List[String], Type] =
refineV[Constraint](value) => s"Invalid ${summon[Name].value} - $err" :: Nil)
given transformer: Transformer.Fallible[Either[List[String], _], A, Type] =
- each newtype will have an instance of Transformer.Fallible in implicit scope
- all the user has to do is provide a refined type that will describe the validation
actually modellin'
case class Conference(
name: Conference.Name, dateSpan: DateSpan, city: Conference.City
object Conference {
type UnsurprisingString[Size <: Int] = Trimmed And NonEmpty And MaxSize[Size]
object Name extends NewtypeValidated[String, UnsurprisingString[20]]
export Name.Type as Name
object City extends NewtypeValidated[String, UnsurprisingString[20]]
export City.Type as City
case class DateSpan private (start: LocalDate, end: LocalDate)
object DateSpan {
def create(start: LocalDate, end: LocalDate): Either[List[String], DateSpan] =
DateSpan(start, end),
"Invalid DateSpan - start is not before the end"
.leftMap(_ :: Nil)
putting it all together
final class ConferenceRoutes(conferenceRepo: ConferenceRepository) extends
Handler[IO] {
private given Transformer.Mode.Accumulating[Either[List[String], _]] =
override def createConference(respond: CreateConferenceResponse.type)(
body: API.CreateConference
): IO[CreateConferenceResponse] =
Field.fallibleComputed(_.dateSpan, _.dateSpan.via(DateSpan.create))
.leftMap(errs =>
.semiflatMap(conf => conferenceRepo.create(conf).as(respond.Created))
does it actually work though?
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:9001/conferences' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "An illegal coference name with over 20 chars",
"dateSpan": {
"start": "2023-04-10",
"end": "2023-04-10"
"city": "A really really long city name"
400: Bad Request
"errors": [
"Invalid DateSpan - start is not before the end",
"Invalid Conference.Name - Right predicate of ((An illegal coference name with over 20 chars is trimmed && !isEmpty(An illegal coference name with over 20 chars)) && (!(44 < 0) && !(44 > 20))) failed: Predicate taking size(An illegal coference name with over 20 chars) = 44 failed: Right predicate of (!(44 < 0) && !(44 > 20)) failed: Predicate (44 > 20) did not fail.",
"Invalid Conference.City - Right predicate of ((A really really long city name is trimmed && !isEmpty(A really really long city name)) && (!(30 < 0) && !(30 > 20))) failed: Predicate taking size(A really really long city name) = 30 failed: Right predicate of (!(30 < 0) && !(30 > 20)) failed: Predicate (30 > 20) did not fail."
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:9001/conferences' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Loops and bloops",
"dateSpan": {
"start": "2023-04-01",
"end": "2023-04-05"
"city": "Larks"
201: Created
and a good-boy-request gives us this:
wrap up
file your bugs, criticisms and ideas here:
code samples and alternative versions (smithy4s):
By Aleksander Rainko
- 332