
Tools for League of Legends ranked games

League of Legends ?!

  • Online strategy game

  • 5v5 teams

  • 136 champions

  • Free to play

  • 100M+ monthly active players (67M in Jan. 2014)
  • Played across the world (Europe, North America, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Turkey...)
  • 27M daily players in 2014 (42M today ?!)


Value proposition

Help players to :

  • Choose their best champions to win
  • Play at their best role
  • Counter enemy champions


  • See statistic from pro players as well


Next steps

  1. More options (choose region, load specific dates, filtering/ordering)

  2. Promotion with the LoL community

  3. Scaling the app with server and client cache

  4. Work on design

What I've learned



  • How to work on a side project : automation, deadlines, todolists...

  • Video making is fun

Being a pro player is hard

  • 17 games a day

  • 74 games a week

  • 212 games a month

  • Aged between 17-23 years old


ranklol.com final

By Alexandre BARBIER