Tests e2e


e2e ?

e2e vs unit tests

  • Same goal
  • Completely different methodology
  • Both have benefits and limitations (e2e are generally slow, brittle, more complicated to write/maintain)

e2e vs unit tests


Test repartition

  • 100% unit test coverage as a goalĀ 
  • Only critical business parts should be (~20% ?)
  • Agile / incremental dev methodologies make test harder to maintain

What about QA ?


  • QA can help define/write e2e tests
  • Time saved by automated test can be used for "exploratory testing"

When to run tests ?

  • Prod-like environment
  • After pull request ?
  • Do what I say, not what I do

Why Nightmare

  • Only JS (electron based), easy to configure
  • Good docs, wide use on Github
  • Easy to use with mocha

Why not Nightwatch

  • Needs Java installed & selenium
  • Few differences, no advantages in a demo

Other choices

  • Protractor (e2e testing for angular apps)
  • Nightwatch.js (based on Selenium)
  • Codecept.js ("meta language for js e2e testing)


How to install it ?

  • npm i nightmare


  • .goto(url)
  • .wait(1000)
  • .click(selectorCSS)
  • .type('input', 'some text')
  • .back()
  • .format()
  • .refresh()


var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var nightmare = Nightmare({ show: true });

  // ...



  • Hardest part is defining test + CSS selectors
  • Remember testing pyramid/20% rule
  • One browser is enough for automated testing IMO


Any questions or feedback about e2e tests ?

Tests e2e avec nightmare/nightwatch.js

By Alexandre BARBIER

Tests e2e avec nightmare/nightwatch.js

  • 469