Digital Rights

Ethics & Human Rights Applied On The Web

Book outline

This slideshow represents an outline.


Here you will find chapters, themes, todo lists and notes in an orderly fashion.


This will be used by me, the author, to organize ideas and lay asome groundwork for the book.


The content itself is hosted on GitHub.

What is the book about?

  • Gaining consciousness about digital injustices 
  • Understanding the modern digital landscape, including culture, technicalities and history
  • Exploring digital injustices like privacy, security, accessibility, abuse, self-harm and harassment.  
  • Persuading readers to advocate against digital injustices

The book is NOT about...

  • Providing a one size fits all solution to digital problems
  • Taking a stand against an online group, minority or community
  • Feeding paranoia about a future dystopia, 1984 style
  • Rebelling against tech or our modern society

Who is this book for?

People who are:

  • Unfamiliar with digital technologies and their deeply embedded values
  • Interested in philosophy
  • Digital natives who want to understand their preferred medium more deeply

Who is this book  NOT intended for?

People who are:

  • Uninterested in exploring topics abstractly and philosophically
  • Programmers



In one sentence:


Key ideas:

  • A
  • B
  • C

Morality & ethics change over time


Show that today's ideas and unwritten social rules are a result of a processes of social evolution. Morality changes, we can choose to change it. It docent have to stay the same.



  • Introduce morality and ethics
  • Ethics history of thought
  • Thinkers and perspectives
  • Introducing values like Freedom, Autonomy and Humanities inherent value

Early tech idealism


Lay out the fantasy world of the tech utopians, show their goals and methods for achieving their goals. What values they championed. 



  • Early computer history
  • early XEROX PARC culture and values
  • Slacker culture
  • Cultural and historical background (post-WW2)

Today's tech idealism


Contrast past values with today's. To introduce contemporary tech ideals.


  • Left vs Right
  • Tecno-solutionist conservatism
  • Grassroots techno liberalism

Grassroots, cyberpunk & hands on tech liberalism



  • A
  • B
  • C

Techno-solutionist, free market & Silicon Valley conservatism



  • A
  • B
  • C

Yesterday's tech paradigm


When computers were just taking shape the digitally literate (programmers, slackers and nerds)  were persevered as outsiders. Tech would not catch on.


  • Historical background (market crash)
  • C

Analog versus digital


Show how different mediums create different types of content or outputs. Analog has a bias for liquid like expression, while digital prefers binaries and standardized results.



  • Media bias, examples and 
  • B
  • C

How a medium shapes people


Introduce the reader to the particular nuances of media.



  • You can only choose whats on the menu
  • Show the biases of media, for example TV, radio and paper
  • Who made medium X

From individual to systematic analysis




  • A
  • B
  • C

Media literacy


Introduce key concepts of media literacy, show that all content has a creator and a key idea to put forth, being a social media post or propaganda


  • What is propaganda
  • How can media users be influenced by a media work
  • Dangers of not being literate

Digital literacy


Explain the in's and out's of what makes an able-d digital citizen.


  • Control over your digital space
  • The ability to adapt to new spaces
  • The ability to create and publish new media on a given virtual space
  • Understanding of the media landscape & online culture
  • The want, rather than need, to be out there. To be part of the media landscape in the first place

List of digital rights


Lay down a checklist like section for rights online.


  • A
  • B
  • C

Do we have digital responsibilities?



  • A
  • B
  • C

Digital Rights

By Alejandro Escalante

Digital Rights

  • 729