Password Security

Most passwords




are not secure












Because our memory sucks

And we all think we are the exception

20 July 1969

Was the day the Saturn five spacecraft landed on the moon with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as part of the Apollo 11 mission.


It would take a computer about

53 decillion years

to crack this password

1.57-1.70 meters

Was the height of Napoleon, made fun of by the British with the nickname of "Little Boney in a strong fit" , the range is due to the difference between French inches and actual inches.


It would take a computer about

18 quadrillion years

to crack this password



Are strong passwords right?

well kind of...

Make Password to-do list

  • Use more than 6-8 characters
  • Use uppercase and lowercase
  • Use numbers
  • Use special characters or symbols
  • (Make it easy to remember)

Guess Password to-do list

  • Try more than 6-8 characters
  • Try uppercase and lowercase
  • Try numbers
  • Try Special characters or symbols
  • (Try simple information)

following this secure password rules makes your's insecure

easy for you to remember is it hard to guess?
yes it is no, its not secure
no, so you'r not gonna use it yes, it is secure

Password Paradox

In other words passwords are terrible by design.

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. qwerty
  4. abc123
  5. letmein
  6. monkey
  7. myspace1
  8. password1
  9. link182
  10. (your first name)

Don't use

Don't use a password

Use a passphrase

On password Security

By Alejandro Escalante

On password Security

Unfinished slideshow on password Security

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