JSON Intro

(JavaScript Object Notation)

    name: "Bob",
    age: 32,
    favoriteColors: ["green", "blue", "red"],
    address: {
        street: "123 Test St.",
        street2: "Unit A",
        city: "Seattle",
        state: "Washington",
        country: "United States of America",
        zipCode: 12345

Why learn how to read JSON?

  • Common means of communicating data
  • We use it for:
    • Web
    • App
    • Salesforce
    • All things internet
  • If you read JSON you’ll more easily understand the web side of things (especially when looking at bugs or understanding data)

Basics of JSON

  • Made of keys and values
  • Values can be
    • Strings (text)
    • Numbers
    • Arrays (a list)
    • Boolean (true or false)
    • Null (like an empty value)
    • Another object

Spreadsheet analogy

  • Column titles are keys

  • Cells are values
  • Rows are items in an array
  • No nested values
Name Age
Bob 32
Sam 19
Chuck 45
    name: "Bob",
    age: 32,
    favoriteColors: ["green", "blue", "red"],
    address: {
        street: "123 Test St.",
        street2: "Unit A",
        city: "Seattle",
        state: "Washington",
        country: "United States of America",
        zipCode: 12345


JSON Intro

By Alex Hughes

JSON Intro

  • 63