Alexander W. Raymond Rubio
Business & Management
March 3rd, 2016

Define: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose and evaluate their importance in HR Management
Autonomy: Degree to which a job provides an employee with the discretion and independence to schedule their work and determine how it is to be done.
Mastery: The constant improvement of getting better at what one does within one´s limits. It fosters a sense of progress and capability.
Purpose: The justification or justifications for which one willingly takes action in a certain course of action.
Define: Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose and evaluate their importance in HR Management
The importance of this motivation triad in Human Resources Management is intimately related with wokers´ performance, development, and the achieval of their self-actualization. It disregards the concept of "extrinsic motivation" as the most effective incentive for workers and is replaced by "instrinsic motivation". These three concepts stimulate employees to give the best of themselves.
Motivations in education
based upon Dan Pink´s theory
Nowadays, our educational system is quite faulty. One of the main problems it the lack of a motivation for both students and teachers. Pointless studies based on memorizing, low salaries, and a bad administrative reputation have contributed to the deterioration of our system. The stark contrast in opportunities between a low and high-class students limits how far we can get as a society. If people were able to see the enormous benefits that an adequate education can bring about, and became motivated by themselves, both students and educators would have a massive improvement in performance, which would be reflected in the improvement of society as a whole.

What motivates me?
For me there is no greater motivation than to be able to be a part of someone´s life. Being able to change a person´s life for the better, in a small or large scale, is the engine that keeps me going. Both in small actions in my everyday life and in a long-term, I want to be the best out of myself so I can help other be their own best. A sincere "Thank you" from another person is one of the most fulfilling feelings.
A secondary inspiration, is to eventually have the ability to travel around the world and learn from wherever I am. I believe that learning from you surroundings is also learnning about yourself, and being able to do this is a major motivation in my life.
Motivation - B&M
By Alex Raymond
Motivation - B&M
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