For a better Mexico

The obstacles we face, and how to fix them

What do you know about the challenges that mexicans face?


As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.

-Nelson Mandela

  • About half the population lives in poverty (20 million children); about 10% of the population lives in extreme poverty (5 million children).
  • There is an abysmal wealth gap between rich and poor.
  • 1% of the population owns 43% of the wealth.
  •  A quarter of the workforce is underemployed.


Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world

  • 10% of children between the ages of 3 and 14 years without attending school.
  • Almost 40% of teenagers aged between 15 and 19 don't attend school.
  • Lack of economic resources, the necessity of working at a young age, and the lack of motivation are the main reasons for early dropouts. 
  •  Understaffed and under-maintained public schools.
  • Constant discords between unions and government --> "Paro"


  • One of the main political and economic problems.
  • 123 out of 176 in the Corruption Perception Index. 
  • It costs over 100 million dollars per year.
  • Tax evasion
  • Deficient supervision bodies.
  • Cultural Issue.
  • Political legitimacy, managerial transparency, and economic efficiency.
  • It causes fear and uncertainty. 

One of the richest persons on Earth.



Schools, roads, and institutions with no water or electricity.


Switch MX On

By Alex Raymond

Switch MX On

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