Alex Saum 

University of California, Berkeley



DH Summer Institute 2018

Electronic Literature (or the other way of doing Digital Humanities)

definitions - digital characteristics-precedents -(not influences)- Is it DH? -

contemporary examples


¿Qué es poesía? ¿y tú me lo preguntas?

What is poetry? And you are asking me?

ciberpoesía/ cyberpoetry - cin(e)poetry - cyber visual - click poetry - computer poetry - diagram poetry - e-poetry - electronic poetry - network poetry - new media poetry - hypermedia poetry - hypertextual poetry - infopoetry - internet poetry - pixel poetry -poem-on-computer -virtual poem - vpoem

definitions and terminology

electronic vs. digital

electronic vs. digital

I might be digital, but I am not electronic literature

electronic vs. digital

Crónica de Viaje

 Jorge Carrión (2014)

Digital characteristics

numeric representation-





multisensoriality -

network distribution

precedents - origins - influences

 Love Letter Generator     

Christopher Strachey (1953)

Stochastische Texte 

Theo Lutz (1959)


Is e-lit DH?


Eugenio Tisselli - 2014

Between Page and Screen - Amaranth Borsuk and Brad Bouse

The Hunt for the Gay Planet - Anna Anthropy

Belén Gache-Second Life performances

88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) - David Clark

Milton Läufer

to talk about the internet in a poem in helvetica sounds cheesy modern like the necessity to claim the current time as ours i am going to have a child a child that doesn’t know about time or the internet his heart beats like a hamster’s i tell the doctor he smiles a sad smile full of black tobacco teeth cats are a different meme they handed me my printed ultrasound a cousin with whom i never speak asks me to text it to her a colleague suggests i upload it to a poem “the uterine ultrasound as the first selfie” but nothing is ever enough things are always a little sad in the web my child grows but not a lot an app tells me he is the size of a strawberry it’s early still i look for videos i claim my time

The Democratic Value of Art Making

by Alex Saum

Alex Saum 

University of California, Berkeley


135.W Narrativas Transmedia: Literatura española del libro a la web 

T/Th 11 to 12:30 

What's e-lit (as DH)

By Alex Saum

What's e-lit (as DH)

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