Computers, Internet, and Poetry

Alex Saum 

University of California, Berkeley



University of the Pacific, Feb 7, 2020

What's Electronic Literature

 y qué hago yo aquí hablando de esto

¿Qué es poesía? ¿y tú me lo preguntas?

What is poetry? And you are asking me?

Terms and definitions -

Characteristics -precedents- 

contemporary examples-

state of the discipline -

terms and definitions

ciberpoesía/ cyberpoetry - cin(e)poetry - cyber visual - click poetry - computer poetry - diagram poetry - e-poetry - electronic poetry - network poetry - new media poetry - hypermedia poetry - hypertextual poetry - infopoetry - internet poetry - pixel poetry -poem-on-computer -virtual poem - vpoem

electronic vs. digital

electronic vs. digital(ized)

I might be digital but I am not electronic

Me neither

electronic vs. digital (ized)

I might be digital but I am not electronic

Me neither

(Aesthetic) Characteristics of the digital 

Crónica de Viaje

 Jorge Carrión (2014)

numeric representation

- modularity -

automatization -

interactivity -

variability - 

transcodification -

multisensoriality -

network distribution


precedents - origins - influences

 Love Letter Generator     

Christopher Strachey (1953)

Doménico Chiappe, Tierra de  extracción  96-07

Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez, Golpe de gracia 05

Félix Ramírez, Ejemplo de poema automático 09

Dora García, Heartbeat 99

María Mencía, Transient Self-Portrait 2012

Belén Gache, Wordtoys, 1996-2006

Eugenio Tisselli - 2014

Belén Gache-Second Life performances

Benjamín Moreno  Concretoons  2010

Milton Läufer

Alex Saum #YouTuber(2018-2019)

Ashes to Ashes #YOLO

estado de la cuestión digital

desconocimiento general - falta de promoción cultural - distribución- falta de presencia en la educación literaria - problemas de acceso - preservación


Any questions? 

Alex Saum 

University of California, Berkeley


Alex Saum #Selfiepoetry (2015-2018)

el valor democrático de la creación artística


dreamtigers, tigers, tigers

amanecer en youtube

Sinfonía Documental

Computers, Internet, and Poetry: What's Electronic Literature

By Alex Saum

Computers, Internet, and Poetry: What's Electronic Literature

Talk at University of the Pacific, Feb 7, 2020

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