Why WordPress Gets A Bad Name

WordPress Is Slow

Bad dogs aren't born, they're made.

Why do they say that?

  • Many WordPress sites are slow
  • WordPress's codebase can be considered bloated and dated
  • Many bloated themes and plugins are widely used

WordPress Security Is Terrible

  • Up until recently, WordPress supported PHP 5.2. Now it supports 5.6.20+.
  • Many plugins and themes end up having security flaws
  • WordPress is a target for hackers
 Advanced issue found

Why do they say that

WordPress Uses Terrible Code Practices

Why do they say that?

  • WordPress's Core mixes coding practices
  • Doesn't use an MVC architecture
  • Many plugins and themes deploy bad code

WordPress Developers get lower pay and less opportunites

Why WordPress Gets A Bad Name

By Alex Young

Why WordPress Gets A Bad Name

  • 154