Ceausescu & Overplanned Parenthood
The plan
Ceaucescu Needed to promote and enhance socialism. The better way to do so was to have more followers...
The best way to do so?
Families needed to have
more children
The rules
Pregnancy: State policy
The fetus is property of the entire society
Sex Education is forbidden
Women were summoned every three months to clinics
Abortion was unfair, and almost all hte time, illegal
Celibacy Tax: 10 %
Positive results
Romania's birthrate nearly doubled at the beginning
Negative Results
Country's infant mortality rate rised to 83 deaths out of 1000
1 out of 10 babies were born underweight
Unwanted children ended up in orphanages
Underweight babies were denied treatment
60 % of pregnancies ended in abortion or miscarriage
This event remains as an example of a cruel law made by a dictator
It had an impact in women, and a violation against basic human rights
Relation to dystopia
It relates to dystopia, since it is a situation in which the government looks to control even the most basic human activities. It ended in widespread death.
By Alfredo Chávez
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