Computer brains vs. Robot brains
PhD student in AI & Robotics
Mar. 2012
Simple line follower robot
Dec. 2012
Arduino robot with IR sensors to detect obstacles
What's the difference between a computer and a robot?
1- "A robot contains mechanics" ?
- a random friend
2- "A computer... can perform a very wide variety of tasks, but it doesn’t translate that into mechanical movement" ?
- a random person in Quora
3- "robots perform one specific function or related set of functions" ?
- a random person in Quora
4- "A robot is a physical machine that's usually programmable by a computer that can execute tasks autonomously or automatically by itself" ?
- Dr. Kate Darling
Research Specialist at the MIT Media Lab
5- "a system that exhibits 'complex' behavior and includes sensing and actuation" ?
- Pr. Hanumant Singh Northeastern University
"Sense - Think - Act"
"Sense - Think - Act"
"Sense - Think - Act"
"It is not a robot because humans operate it a lot of the time"
- Pr. Singh's students
Remote controlled
6- "a physically embodied artificially intelligent agent that can take actions that have effects on the physical world" ?
- Anca Dragan
Assistant professor at UC Berkeley
Remember the smartlamp example
What is a computer?
- Von Neumann
architecture, 1945
so why do we call them "robots"?
Are robots just computers?
Is a robot necessarly
or can it be human operated?
Is that really a robot?
Is the word "robot"
just marketing?
depending on the person?
Does the definition of "robot" change...
A computer computes...
What does a robot?
Thanks you!
Computer brains vs. Robot brains [UConf 3.0]
By Amine Bendahmane
Computer brains vs. Robot brains [UConf 3.0]
What's the difference between computers and robots? is there really a difference?
- 421