Building Music App for Android using Oboe 

Andhika Yuana


Andhika Yuana

Co-Founder @

Lead Android Dev. @ qiscus


Outside Programmer World



not Oboe Instrument



Squidward play the Clarinet not Oboe


Oboe is a C++ library which makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps on Android. It was created primarily to allow developers to target a simplified API that works across multiple API levels back to API level 16 (Jelly Bean).

Why using Oboe ?

Compatible with API 16 onwards - runs on 99% of Android devices

Compatible with API 16 onwards - runs on 99% of Android devices

Chooses the audio API (OpenSL ES on API 16+ or AAudio on API 27+) which will give the best audio performance on the target Android device

Automatic latency tuning

Suitable for :

Virtual Instrument

Virtual Reality

Virtual DJ

Rhythm Game

Projects using Oboe

Let's Code

Code :

Demo App :

Questions ?

Building Music App for Android using Oboe

By Andhika Yuana

Building Music App for Android using Oboe

GDG Jogjakarta Meetup

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