We take developers from good to great


Intro to Vue.js

26-27th January

Dovelopers Office


Andrei Antal


  • frontend engineer, since i can remember
  • web & JS technologies enthusiast
  • perpetual learner

Frontend Developer, ThisDot Labs

organizer for ngBucharest




1. Components

    1.1 Component architecture

    1.2 Bindings & render flow

    1.3 Component communication

2. Directives and pipes

3. Services

4. RxJS and Observables


6. Routing

7. Forms

8. Tooling and conclusions

The case for Angular

1 App, 3 Frameworks - Angular

The case for Angular

stuff here


Module 1

The case for Angular

Component architecture

The case for Angular

Anatomy of a component

The case for Angular

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, world! </h1>',
export class AppComponent {
  name = 'Andrei';

  logGreet() {
    console.log(`Hello ${ this.name }`);

A basic component

The case for Angular

A basic component

  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>

The case for Angular

A basic component

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, world! </h1>',
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>',

The case for Angular

A basic component

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, world! </h1>',
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>',

Change once, reflect everywhere

The case for Angular

A basic component

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, world! </h1>',
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, world! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  <h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>
  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, Andrei! </h1>',

Change once, reflect everywhere

The case for Angular

A basic component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: '<h1> Hello, {{ name }}! </h1>',
export class AppComponent {
  name = 'Andrei';

  logGreet() {
    console.log(`Hello ${ this.name }`);
  Hello, Andrei!

The case for Angular

A basic component

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-component',
  template: `
    <h1> Hello, {{ name }}! </h1>
    <button (click)="logGreet()">GREET</button>
export class AppComponent {
  name = 'Andrei';

  logGreet() {
    console.log(`Hello ${ this.name }`);
<h1> Hello, {{ name }}! </h1>
<button (click)="logGreet()">

Module title

Module 2

Module subtitle

Module 2

stuff here

Thank you!

email here

Voxxed Days Frontend Bucharest 2019 - 1 App, 3 Frameworks - Angular

By Andrei Antal

Voxxed Days Frontend Bucharest 2019 - 1 App, 3 Frameworks - Angular

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