Experiments in Vue 3 Reactivity to build Custom Elements

Andrew Beng



Custom Elements


Vue 3.x Reactivity TL;DR

  • The "magic" behind Vue
  • 2.x Vue.observable() now 3.x reactive()
  • Uses ES6 Proxy (easy effects + optional read-only), no IE support
  • Standalone package
import { reactive, effect } from

const state = reactive({
  count: 0

effect(() => {
  // 0
  // 1

const add = () => state.count++;

... published as a package that can be used standalone

Custom Elements


Custom Elements


Custom Elements - TL;DR

  • Core Web Components feature
  • Create new HTML tags
  • Extend existing (built-in or custom) tags
  • Creating reusable components with vanilla JS/HTML/CSS

Custom Elements
- in the Wild

Custom Elements - Pros

  • Standards based
  • Interoperability

Custom Elements - Cons

  • "Boilerplate" code (vanilla)
  • MANY libraries/frameworks
  • "Web Components are not Vue / React / <insert any framework> components" 

Custom Elements

- Best Practices

  • Create a shadow root to encapsulate styles
  • Aim to keep primitive data attributes and properties in sync, reflecting from property to attribute, and vice versa.
  • ... and many others

Custom Elements



Evan You's vue-lit

Experiment goals

  • Based on vue-lit (props + lifecycle hooks)
  • Props validation
  • Add a <slot> interface
  • Testable
export default ({ name, setup, props }) => {
    class extends HTMLElement {
      static get observedAttributes() {
        // Return a list of observed attribute names

      constructor() {
        // 1. Scaffold reactive props
        // 2. Scaffold slots as reactive object
        // 3. Apply effect to render the template + run hooks

      connectedCallback() {
        // 1. Run beforeMount hook
        // 2. Render template + invoke setup()
        // 3. Run mounted hook
        // 4. Bind template slots to reactive object
        // 5. Validate props

      disconnectedCallback() {
        // Run unmounted hook

      attributeChangedCallback() {
        // Parse, validate and update reactive props
import { defineComponent, reactive, html }
	from "https://unpkg.com/vue-uhtml?module";

  name: "my-component",
  setup: () => {
    const state = reactive({
      text: "hello"
    const onInput = (e) => {
      state.text = e.target.value;

    return () => html`
        <input value=${state.text} oninput=${onInput} />


  • Test defined Custom Elements
  • @web/test-runner
  • events, properties, lifecycle hooks
  • Gotha: closed vs open shadowRoot


  • Standalone reactivity is awesome
  • Custom Elements aren't scary
  • Get out there and experiment!

Experiments in Vue 3 Reactivity to build Custom Elements

By Andrew Beng

Experiments in Vue 3 Reactivity to build Custom Elements

Experiments in Vue 3 Reactivity to build Custom Elements

  • 1,154