Computer Vision


  • Distant Reading, Distant Viewing

  • Activity with Pixplot and Princeton Slavic Collections

  • A Distant Viewing Toolkit for Image Collections



  • What is computer vision?

  • What and how does a computer "see?"

What is computer vision?

Image classification

Image description

Object detection

Facial recognition

Text recognition

Image Inpainting



How and what do computers "see?"

Pixels are Numbers

Image Kernels

Distant Reading

Distant reading is the idea of processing content in...or information about... a large number of textual items without engaging in the reading of the actual text. The “reading” is a form of data mining that allows information in the text or about the text to be processed and analyzed.

-J. Drucker

Distant Viewing

...a methodological and theoretical framework for studying large collections of visual materials. Distant viewing is distinguished from other approaches by making explicit the interpretive nature of extracting semantic metadata from images.


- L. Tilton, T. Arnold


Ben Schmidt, machine reading the Hathi Trust (14 million volumes. About as many as there are books in the Library of Congress) 

Activity (10 minutes)

a) click here

b) explore the image clusters

c) what is the machine able to see very clearly?

d) could these clusters be useful in art historical research?



Distant Viewing Toolkit


vision models

JSON data for each frame

9-types of annotations 

4 types of aggregators

BookNLP for Videos

Distant Viewing Toolkit

I really wanted to use DVT for this workshop however:


  • It does not yet support single image files as input (it will)
  • No means of tailoring the vision model to project-specific features.  
  • Output data is JSON, which is unfamiliar to many scholars.


A Distant Viewing Toolkit for Image Collections




A journey...


  • Create an accessible tool for the research of large image collections using computer vision
  • Use IIIF URIs (and local folders) 
  • Both pre-trained models and customized models for research-relevant categories and objects.
  • Export to CSV for use in visualization (Palladio) or exhibits (Omeka). 

IIIF Manifest

pre-trained models

CSV file



Custom research-tailored computer vision models

IIIF Collection Manifest

  • Ask a librarian for one (thank you Thomas!)
  • Here is the manifest for Princeton's Slavic Collections
  • { 'key' : 'value' }  (try entering the URL here)
  • It is a list of the manifests for each collection
  • Each collection has a list of images and metadata 
  • With the manifest, we can generate a list of the URIs for all 8230 images

Pre-trained Models

Other computer vision API demos




Taskonomy (Stanford)



open source 

OpenCV (py)


Open this Notebook and see what results you get for your images with Google Vision


click here to open

 Vision label detection on a full image collection


  • Download the csv file
  • Open Palladio and click Start >> 
  • Drag the CSV file into the "Load .csv or spreadsheet" box and "Load"
  • Click the red dot in the "Labels" row, then enter a comma in the "Multiple values" field
  •  Switch to gallery and the change labels:
    • ​Title - title
    • Subtitle - Subject
    • Text - labels 
    • Link - URI
    • Image URL - URI 
  • Open facets add dimention for labels
  • Add facet for timeline 

Custom research-tailored computer vision models


Google AutoML Vision

Would this be useful in your research?


What would you need to use it?


What data would be most useful?



Further Reading

Computer Vision

By Andrew Janco

Computer Vision

  • 625