Performance in JavaScript


Andrii Zhukov


Senior Software Engineer

at GlobalLogic


  • Best Practises
  • Code minimization, Tree shaking
  • Dynamic import / Lazy loading / Code splitting
  • Working with memory
  • Code review
  • Horror code optimization
  • Third party libraries
  • Working with Event Loop
  • Web Workers
  • Memoization
  • Server side computing
  • Other ways to optimize
  • You don't need optimization

Performance in JS

What is performance?

  • Application performance
  • Development productivity
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Your guess

Use Best Practises

const someArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];;



Use Best Practises

See previous episode:


Hot or Not:

Algorithms for JS devs

Some examples

import React from 'react';

class Greeting extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (<div>{this.state.count}</div>);

Some examples

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Greeting() {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

    return (<div>{count}</div>);

Some examples

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

new Vue({
    render: h => h(App),

Some examples

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';


Don't be a hostage of the tool, but use good solutions

export class DoEverything {
    showSomeone() {...}
    hideSomeone() {...}
    saveSomeone() {...}
    doNotMixinThis() {...}
    makeSomeCofee() {...}

Don't be a hostage of the tool, but use good solutions

export showSomeone() {...}
export hideSomeone() {...}
export saveSomeone() {...}
export doNotMixinThis() {...}
export makeSomeCofee() {...}

Don't be a hostage of the tool, but use good solutions

Tree shaking


Code minimization

Some more good solutions

Dynamic import


Lazy loading


Code splitting

const route = () => 

Working with memory

Garbage Collector clears memory when there is no

Object reference

Map VS WeakMap

Working with memory

Garbage Collector clears memory when there is no

Object reference

Map VS WeakMap


Code Review

Your code needs to be checked and that's it.

- Not to humiliate your dignity

- No one writes optimized code straight away

- Optimized code can be optimized

- One head is good and so on

Horror code optimization

const someArray = [2, 3, 1, 7, 5, 6, 4, 9, 10, 8];

const newArray = someArray
    .sort((a, b) => a - b)
    .filter((item) => item % 2)
    .map((item) => item * 2);

Horror code optimization

function changeArrayOrReturnDefault(
    defaultArray = []
    // do some operations
    const newArray =;
    // do something else

    if (someArray.length === 0) {
        return defaultArray;

    return newArray;

Horror code optimization

const someArray = [1, 2, ..., 99, 100];

function makeOnlyFiveEmployeers(someArray)
    let employeers = "", count = 0;

    someArray.forEach((i) => {

        if (count < 6) {
            employeers +=
                `Employee ${i}`;

Horror code optimization

function makeAndRender(arrayHTMLElements) {
        (htmlElement) => {
            const someInnerText =

            const blog = document

            blog.innerHTML = someInnerText;

Third party libraries

- The code doesn't belong to you and can use any horror stories mentioned before

- Most of the code you may not need at all

- May use legacy code and not have code support

- Vulnerability, versioning and other dangerous things

- Can use other libs with problems above

Third party libraries



- Write your own code and use your own libs :)

- If you can't write the code, use only reliable, proven libraries

Event Loop

Event Loop

Event Loop

Event Loop

Event Loop

Event Loop

const bigData = [1, 2, 3, ..., 1000000000000];
let numberIteration = 0

function doSmallChanksOfTasks(bigData) {
    do {
    } while(numberIteration % 1e6 !== 0);

    if (numberIteration < bigData.length) {
        setTimeout(doSmallTasks); // or queueMicrotask

Web Workers

const myWorker = new Worker("worker.js");


Vue, React - useMemo


React - useCallback, resellect, etc.

Server side computing

Other ways to optimize

If the previous methods do not help,

you need to redevelop your application completely

Other ways to optimize

Keep the client busy with something else,

organize the active work of the brain

Other ways to optimize

You don't need optimization

That's all



By andreyvalerievich


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