Introduction to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

University of Wisconsin, Nov 6, 2018

Our contact info

Andy Gup, JavaScript API


David Martinez, Python 



First, some cool demos

ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Powerful 2D/3D visualizations


High-performance client-side analysis


Responsive UI widgets

Your first map

const map = new Map({
  basemap: "topo-vector"

const view = new MapView({
  container: "viewDiv",
  map: map,
  center: [-118.71511,34.09042],
  zoom: 10

Lab 1 - build a map

2. Go to JavaScript => 

Lab 1 - Discussion!

Try out the Challenges at the bottom of the Lab.


Open the developer console network tab and reload app


API Reference



Base class of most of the API.

Consistent pattern:

  • Universal constructor
  • getting and setting properties value
  • watching properties change
  • unifed object constructor
  • computed properties
  • autocast






Single object constructor, no more 3+ constructors

No more property-change events, Use watch()


In 3.x, listen for extent-change event.

In 4.x extent watchers will be called very often





const map = new Map(...);
const view = new MapView({ map: map });

// watch for view scale updates'extent', (newValue, oldValue, property, target) => {
  console.log(newValue, oldValue, property, target);
// Geometry
var polyline = {
  type: "polyline",  
    paths: [
      [-111.30, 52.68],
      [-98, 49.5],
      [-93.94, 29.89]

// Symbol
var polylineSymbol = {
  type: "simple-line",  
  color: [226, 119, 40],
  width: 4

// Graphic
var polylineGraphic = new Graphic({
  geometry: polyline,
  symbol: polylineSymbol

Lab 2 - points, lines, polygons

Lab 2 - add point, line and polygon

Skip the Challenges at the bottom

Lab 2 - Discussion!

Skip the Challenges at the bottom of the Lab. We have a separate lab coming up.


API Reference: esri/geometry/Geometry

Lab 3 - create a layer

Lab 3 - create a layer


Make the layers public


Do the Find the URL challenge


Lab 4 - Add Layer to Map

Using custom content


Using the layer from the previous lab, remove the '/0' from the url:



Lab 4 - Discussion!

Open developer console network tab


Find the feature layer query request. Take a look at service parameters in the REST API doc:




Sketch & Edit

Sketch API - SketchViewModel

FeatureForm Widget + Demo

TemplatePicker coming soon

Lab 5 - Buffer & Intersect

Client-side Geometry engine.


Fast!! No server round-trips needed.





Lab 5 - Discussion

Combine geometry operations







Lab 6 - configure popup - Part 1

Lab 7 - configure popup - Part 2​


Objective: add code to dock the popup

Hint: Use dockEnabled and dockOptions


Lab 6 & 7 - Discussion!

Feature Layers have built-in popups


You can also manually configure popups


Popups can be docked

Lab 8 - Arcade

ArcGIS scripting Engine


Create new values from existing data fields in renderers, popups, labels 




Lab 8 - Arcade


Modify this arcade to symbolize trips greater than or less than $6/mile 




Lab 9 - Style Vector Map

Style a vector tile basemap


When done, go to the item in your ArcGIS Online org and get the root.json URL (hint: View Style button)





Lab 9 - Style Vector Map

Lab 10 - Widgets

20+ widgets and growing











Lab 10 - Widgets

Wrap up!


Introduction to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

By Andy G

Introduction to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript

  • 1,881