Advanced File Operations
Andy Snell | Dallas PHP | March 10, 2020
What Are File Operations?
- Browsing A Filesystem
- Getting File Metadata
- Reading File Contents
- Writing a New File
- Appending an Existing File
- Deleting an Existing File
What Are File Operations?
Filesystem CRUD / BREAD
But First, A cavaet...
"Advanced" !== "Better"
Sometimes Basic is Best!
echo file_get_contents("lorem.txt");
"Procedural" !== "Wrong"
What Are "Advanced" File Operations?
Approaches to file operations that support abstraction and scalability
What Are "Advanced" File Operations?
Advanced Operations
may help you interact with a filesystem in a more efficient or maintainable way
Key Concepts
- Files as Objects
- Files and Filesystems as Iterators
- Streams: Files in the Abstract
- Using the Flysystem Library
Files & PHP
The "Standard" PHP File Operations
Entirely Procedural
~81 built-in core file operation functions
and only two operative data-types:
The "Standard" PHP File Operations
What's a "Resource"?
A data type for holding a reference
to an external resource
Not File Specific!
106 Different Types of Resources
Run Example #0
The "Standard" PHP File Operations
Often More Than One (Right?)
To Do One Kind of Operation
fread readfile fgetc fgetcsv fscanf
file_get_contentsfgets fgetss fpassthru file
How many (core) ways to read a file?
Run Example #1
The "Standard" PHP File Operations
Frequently Multiple Steps Needed
Writing to a File and Reading It Back
Open the File (fopen)
Write to the File (fwrite)
Rewind the File (rewind)
Read the File (fread)
Close the File (fclose)
Run Example #2
File As Objects
Enter the SPL
The "Standard PHP Library" is an extension to PHP that defines a number of interfaces and objects meant to solve common problems.*
* At the time it was added to the language in 2004
Enter the SPL
File Metadata as Object
(Show Example #3)
Enter the SPL
File As Iterable Object
(Show Examples #4, #5, #6)
Enter the SPL
File As Temporary Iterable Object
Enter the SPL
Iterable Directory Structure
(Show Example #7)
Streams Vs. Strings
Strings Vs. Streams
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted…
Strings Vs. Streams
Strings are easy to work with, but are memory bound.
Streams are the way of generalizing file, network, and other operations which share a common set of functions and uses. In its simplest definition, A stream is a resource object which can be read from or written to in a linear fashion, and may be able to seek to an arbitrary location within the stream.
A stream is a resource object which can be read or written in a linear fashion, and may be able to seek to an arbitrary location within the stream.
Strings are easy to work with, but are memory bound.
Flysystem: A Filesystem Abstraction
The "filesystem" as an object
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
// write files
$response = $filesystem->write($path, $contents);
$response = $filesystem->writeStream($path, $resource [, $config]);
// read files
$contents = $filesystem->read($path);
$resource = $filesystem->readStream($path);
// do other file things
$contents = $filesystem->listContents($path, $recursive);
$file_exists = $filesystem->has($path);
$filesystem->rename($from, $to);
Flysystem: A Filesystem Abstraction
- Local Filesystem
- Local Memory
- .zip Files
- AWS S3
- Azure File Storage
- Azure Blob Storage
- Google Drive
- Google Cloud Storage
- Dropbox
- chroot
- Digital Ocean Spaces
- Rackspace
- Database via PDO
- Remote via SSH
- Redis
- WebDAV
- OneDrive
- GitHub
One Interface
Many "Filesystems"
Flysystem: Other Benefits
Metadata & Directory Caching
$aws_adapter = new League\Flysystem\AwsS3V3\AwsS3Adapter($aws_client, $muh_bucket);
$memory_cache = new League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\Memory();
$redis_cache = new League\Flysystem\Cached\Storage\PhpRedis($redis_client);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\Cached\CachedAdapter($aws_adapter, $memory_cache);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\Cached\CachedAdapter($aws_adapter, $redis_cache);
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
Flysystem: Other Benefits
Replication Across Filesystems
Write to Local and Cloud / Read from Local Only
$source = new League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local($local_path);
$replica = new League\Flysystem\AwsS3V3\AwsS3Adapter($aws_client, $muh_bucket);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\Replicate\ReplicateAdapter($source, $replica);
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
Flysystem 2.0
Complete Re-Write of Library
Fix Method Names to Be Predictable and Readable
Less Arrays, More ArrayAccess
Uses Generators for Directory Listings, Not Arrays
Andy Snell
Advanced File Operations
By Andy Snell
Advanced File Operations
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