2D Tools
for 3D Printing
3D printing is an active field
There are a lot of devices and they change quickly
- Software changes even faster
Fused filament fabrication (FFF)
Like a robotic glue gun
Consumer machines have roots
in community research project called RepRap
Makerbot Replicator 2
Uses a corn-based plastic called PLA
Controlled by on-board microcontroller
Reads data files from SD card
USB interface for computer control
What Can We Make?
What Can We Make?
What Can We Make?
Let's Get Started!
Download a Thing
Lots of interesting shape files online
Some designed for 3D printing - others must be modified
Customizable shapes
Tons of shapes, integrated with MakerBot ecosystem
Multi-Piece Downloads
Customizable shapes
Special shapefiles can accept input -Text, designs
Thingiverse provides an interface to merge them
NASA Vehicles
Other Resources
ShapeWays.com - buy shapefiles, printing services
Cubehero.com - versioning with visual diffs
YouMagine.com - integrated with UltiMaker printer ecosystem
SketchFab.com - 100,000 textured models
Math-Based Shapes
kinematics@home - http://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/kinematicsHome/
AutoDesk Project ShapeShifter Beta - http://shapeshifter.io/
Model a Thing
Any 3D software will do
STL file format
Popular, Mature entry-level 3D design tool
Free version
Simple UI
Needs plugin to export to STL
More of a machine tool than GUI
Uses a declarative code language
Allows for variables and include files
Used for customizable shapes
Many, Many Others
STL is the common file format for 3D Printing
Autodesk 123D Create
Windows 8
Scan A Thing
Laser Image Scanning
Makerbot Digitizer
Projects a straight line onto the shape
Photographs the distortion, calculates dimensions
Makerbot Digitizer
Captures the general shape, loses some detail
Makerbot Digitizer
Multi-Scan approach merges multiple scans from different angles
Can result in weird merges!
Conversion & Testing
3D swiss-army knife, very technical
Reads everything, Writes STL
STL Analysis and Repair
Verifies shape is printable
http://cloud.netfabb.com/ or Desktop App
Positioning & Slicing
Scale and Position the model on the build platform
Slicer software transforms the 3D model into 2D shapes
2D shapes are joined into a tool path
Computerized tools run on G-Code
Prevent the shape from sticking to the platform
Allow more complicated shapes
Helps us economize on filament
Makes for a stronger, lighter shape
Infill Patterns
Provide a platform to print overhangs
Built very thin and easy to remove
Handle weak areas until they cool
MakerBot firmware 7.0 uses a custom G-Code format
Only MakerWare easily supports it
Other Slicers
All use raw G-Code
Direct USB Support for many devices
ReplicatorG - long history, basic UI
Slic3r - intelligent auto-placement, supports
Cura - polished UI
Detailed comparison
Printer Control
Most printers have on-board control - some very smart
Computer control over USB or ethernet
For special experiments or manual control
Thank You!
Software Tools for 3D Printing
By Andy Stalick
Software Tools for 3D Printing
- 2,628