Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

Anti Static Bags – Static Electricity Explained

World Of Envelopes - Anti Static Bags

By angelicaberkenter48

World Of Envelopes - Anti Static Bags

Static electricity is extremely dangerous to computer hardware and it can be found everywhere. That’s why it is so important to protect electronic equipment with anti static bags while shipping it. Most things in the world have the same number of electrons and protons. This means that they don’t possess an electrical charge. If two objects rub against each other, their electrons are removed from one surface and attach to another. Some objects lose their electrons more easily and end up with an unbalanced number of electrons and protons. So why is it dangerous to computers? This static charge can transfer from one charged object to another – one that conducts electricity. If it happens to jump to a computer component, which is a semiconductor, it may cause some serious damage. This brings us to the subject of anti static bags. They create what scientists call a Faraday Cage. They protect an object enclosed by redistributing the electrical charge. It works like an airplane that has been struck by a lightning – the massive electrical charge doesn’t transfer inside. We hope this blog post has explained why anti static bags should always be used when shipping electrical components. For more information just visit

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