A Tale of Testing the Untestable

Angie Jones




Senior Developer Advocate, Applitools

Director, Test Automation University

San Francisco, CA, USA

A Tale of Testing the Untestable Angie Jones http://angiejones.tech http://testautomationu.com @techgirl1908 Senior Developer Advocate, Applitools Director, Test Automation University San Francisco, CA, USA

A Tale of Testing the Untestable

By Angie Jones

A Tale of Testing the Untestable

In this talk, Angie shares her story of trying to test scenarios that were essentially untestable due to various limitations and restrictions. Warning: this story is not filled with warm fuzzies and rainbows. No, it’s filled with challenge after challenge. Angie will discuss the technical challenges, and how coming up with solutions to these were still not enough. She’ll share the details of her harsh realization that the power to test the untestable was not in her hands alone, and that a “whole team” approach was the only way to truly be successful.

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