From the wet lab
to the web lab
Anisha Keshavan
University of Washington
eScience Institute & Institute for Neuroengineering
In Medicine
- Even though we are all unique individuals with unique biology
- We are treated the same way
Precision Medicine
What if we tailor treatment
to your unique biology?
Meet my mom
- Oncologist
- Colon cancer
- No risk factors
- Side effects of treatment
- Not a "mistake"
Treatment = f(Disease)
Treatment = f(Disease,Genotype,Phenotype,Environment)
So, where is precision medicine?
We must bridge the domain divide, first
A single domain
A domain divide
We need a web
We need the web
Goals for this talk
- Web-based tools for MRI neuroimaging
- Bridge the domain divide
- Not a neuroimager?
- what are your bottlenecks?
- can the web help?
PhD: Multiple Sclerosis
Disease Progression
Relapse Remitting vs Progressive
Treatment = f(Disease progression)
But we don't know Dp early on
A clue to Dp ?
Big Data Collection
500 patients, 12 years
= 6,000 MRI scans
Data Analysis Workflow
Image Features
Image Features
Expertise does not scale
And the domain divide makes it hard
Computer Science
Radiology / Neuroanatomy
High dimensionality = lost intuition
Image Features x 1000
Neurology / Neuroscience / Biology
We need data visualization & exploration
Web Interfaces
to cross the divide
Postdoctoral Research
Data Science
Domain Science
Scaling Expertise
Data Science
Domain Science
Data Scientist
- Needs image annotations
- In a machine-readable format
Domain Expert
- Know UNIX to annotate image
- Save annotations consistently
A dashboard for collaborative brain quality control and annotation
A fruitful collaboration @ UCSF
(under review)
Also deployed at:
UT Austin Medical School
University of Cambridge, Turing Institute
Now, as postdoc:
Mental Health
Public dataset, 10k images
Motion → bad quality images
Visual inspection before & during analysis
Too time consuming in the “wet lab”
Let’s try the web lab
Healthy Brain Network
Scaling expertise in the web lab
- Start with small, expertly labelled training set
- Train citizen scientists to amplify training set
- Train a model on amplified labels
Expert Feedback
Mindcontrol is nice
but I want to play on my phone"
Dr. Satra Ghosh, MIT
Scaling Expertise in the web lab
- Start with small, expertly labelled training set
- Train citizen scientists to amplify training set
- Train a model on amplified labels
Brain Data Review
Keshavan, Anisha, Jason Yeatman, and Ariel Rokem. "Combining citizen science and deep learning to amplify expertise in neuroimaging." bioRxiv (2018): 363382. (under review)
Swipe Left
Swipe Right
Win Prizes
Many Ratings
But often, no agreement
How to aggregate unreliable ratings?
Need to "down-weight" some raters
image id | rater 0 | rater 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
2 | 1 | - |
Expert |
1 |
0 |
each rater is a feature
each image
is a sample
with a model that handles missing data
Rater importance vs # ratings
Corrected Ratings
Improvement over average
held out AUC
Scaling expertise in the web lab
- Start with small, expertly labelled training set
- Train citizen scientists to amplify training set
- Train a model on amplified labels
Predict image quality
> 100,000 ratings
> 400 users
0.99 AUC = near perfect
How do I make my own web lab?
maybe you're asking
Web Technology
Domain Science
Swipes for Science
Thanks eLife Innovation!
Data Visualization & Exploration
Data Science
Domain Science
Linked Visualizations
Rule #1: always create
Brain Morphometry
Klein A, Ghosh SS, Bao FS, Giard J, Häme Y, Stavsky E, Lee N, Rossa B, Reuter M, Neto EC, Keshavan A. Mindboggling morphometry of human brains. PLoS computational biology. 2017 Feb 23;13(2):e1005350.
Keshavan, Anisha, Arno Klein, and Ben Cipollini. "Interactive online brain shape visualization." Research Ideas and Outcomes 3 (2017): e12358.
Information Visualization
Scientific Data Visualization
Rule #2: make it easy to
Diffusion Imaging
Tract Profile
Yeatman, J. D., Richie-Halford, A., Smith, J. K., Keshavan, A., & Rokem, A. (2018). A browser-based tool for visualization and analysis of diffusion MRI data. Nature communications, 9(1), 940.
- We need to easily explore data
- We need to easily share data
- tabular data
Web Technology
Domain Science
pip install AFQ-Browser
afqbrowser-assemble /path/to/afq.mat
afqbrowser-publish /path/to/target/ reponame
Easy to Share
Big Data has bottlenecks
they delay us from developing precision medicine
they delay us from scientific discovery
We need to bridge the domain divide
The web browser can get us there
If our Big Data science is accessible
People will help
If our Big Data science is intuitive
People will understand
Thanks to my Web Lab!
Ariel Rokem
Jason Yeatman
Satra Ghosh
Dylan Nielson
Sharabesh Ramesh
Dave Kennedy
JB Poline
Neel Somani
Sharabesh Ramesh
Katie Bottenhorn
Arno Klein
Amanda Easson
Adam Richie-Halford
Josh Smith
Greg Kiar
Sook-Lei Liew
Chris Madan
Chris Markiewicz
Elizabeth Dupre
Kesshi Jordan
Rob Fatland
Shima Abadi
Naomi Penfold
Andreea Hrincu
Adam Thomas
Microsoft Azure
eLife Innovation
UW Institute for Neuroengineering
eScience Institute
All braindr raters
From the wet lab to the web lab
By Anisha Keshavan
From the wet lab to the web lab
- 843