LA Ruby

& Scraping the Meetup API

presented by Anna Mendoza & Josh Loper at Pivotal Labs on 10.09.2014

L.A. Ruby Montly Meetup

why did we 

rebrand LA Ruby?

The obvious reasons:

a bit outdated

not much of a resource

barely shared

wasn't being used

The not-so obvious reasons:

MeetUp was becoming the brand 

the face of the community isn't represented 

is not inviting to new people

and there's a lack of cohesion on the site


We started with an exploration
that identified the city with
this group... 


Various Applications



What are we known for:

[ exchange ]

This all informed the 

buildout for the website...


First: We had to do some research.

What is the MeetUp API capable of?

The big  idea behind this site is to help [ exchange ] information.

We wanted to do a GET request
to get all of the upcoming meetups and
dynamically display them on the site.

How did we do this?


Next: We had to get the JSON 

1. We  generated an api key from the meetup website:

2. Once we had access, we researched the JSON
results and tried to make sense of the data:


3.  After getting a handle on the  Meetup API, we started
to align the design with technical needs.

Which attributes did we need to save for the database?

 rails g model UpcomingMeetup meetup_name:string time:datetime ...

Once  the schema was generated, we were ready
to start coding with helper tests, which described what
the scraper method would return.

4.  Then we wrote the following methods to scrape the data,
save the list of meetups with a unique meetup_id 
( that did not exist in the database - this was important )
and then saved the scraped attributes to a database.

 module UpdaterHelper
   def get_json (source = '       host=public&group_urlname=laruby&sign=true&key=6667405f41112c7f127c4f243e7243b')       ...   end
      def search_meetup_ids(data)      ...

   def save_meetup_ids(hash)

5.  Once we had the meetup data saved to the database,
we started to set up some associations with the
upcoming meetups

EX: Upcoming meetups belonged to a meetup group

and images associated with that group.

 This way we could had a group assigned to upcoming meetups,        and group photos for each upcoming meetups.

5.  AND the owners of the group could add

images for the group, and they would be seen 
on all upcoming meetups for that group.

Helping both the group to gain an identity
and for the code to be function properly.

Problems we had:

Some of our naming conventions were
different, so we had to rewrite the form
in ActiveAdmin using Formtastic.

We had to scrape organizer names and assign them to
groups in order to associate  the meetup with a group.

Problems we had:

We had to set up rails to upload images
to Cloudinary by using a yml configuration
file with the API key in it

Because Heroku doesn't allow for static images to be uploaded. Thanks heroku!

We wanted to make the json data from the meetup api
match our database as closely as possible;
while still making sense of it for 
our application.

Problems we had:

Tracking the urls to each individual
meetup under the dropdown navigation.

How to track each meetup to the urls
in this dropdown became a problem.

First we had to find an upcoming associated with a group, 
 then we had to search for the id,
and finally present the page.

We did alot of ActiveRecord queries.

Here's a snapshot of the code:

UpcomingMeetups Controller if params[:id].to_s.length > 8, :group_id).upcoming.distinct.each do |meetup| if == params[:id] @meetup = UpcomingMeetup.where(:id => @is_found = true end end if @is_found.nil? redirect_to "" end else @meetup = UpcomingMeetup.where(:id => params[:id]).first endend

Gems We Used:


gem 'breadcrumbs_on_rails'

gem 'kaminari'

gem 'cloudinary'

gem 'carrierwave'

gem 'activeadmin', github: 'gregbell/active_admin'

gem 'geocoder'

gem 'devise', '~> 3.3.0' 

gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.0.0'

web resources:

  1. meetup api
  2. geocoder gem
  3. rubygems
  4. the ruby toolbox


Site will be launching soon!


JOSH (@el3ctro__) & ANNA ( @CURVECOMM ) 

Branding La Ruby

By Anna Mendoza

Branding La Ruby

  • 1,774