Advanced Python
Initial tasks:
Please sit near the front
Open the course notes:
To open these slides:
- Note there is no attendance sheet - complete feedback instead
Research-related IT Services
Described on IT Services website.
Announcements given via Research IT blog.
- Training courses teaching computing skills for Research
- General guidance and advice about research software
- Access to specialist support and consultancy e.g. code reviews
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- Full list of services on offer
For help and support use the Support Centre
- Fire exit
- Toilets
- Course timing
- 09:30 -- 12:00
- 12:00 -- 13:00 lunch
- 13:00 -- 16:00
- Cafe on D floor (on opposite side of building)
Strengthening python knowledge, oriented towards python numerical tools
Does not teach all of Python or all data analysis with Python
The aim is to teach you enough know how to find out more
Aims of the day
Teaching methods
- Interactive workshop-style course
- Based on Software Carpentry method
- Type along with the examples
- Test your understanding in the exercise sessions
Course notes
- All examples and exercises are in the notes
- Slides will remain online after the course
Getting help
- Sticky notes
- Used for getting help and giving real-time feedback
- Yellow = OK / ready to go
- Pink = not OK (too fast, didn't understand, computer says no etc)
- Please interrupt me to ask questions
- Peer learning
- During exercises, please help each other as required
- Please try to be quiet during worked examples so everyone can hear
Before we get started
- Create a directory:
> mkdir C:\Work\python-programming
- Go to the course notes:
and click 'Clone or Download', then 'Download ZIP' and save to the new 'python-programming' directory. -
Unzip the file
Start the Anaconda prompt on lab PCs
Change directory ('cd') to 'c:\Work\python-programming' directory
type: 'jupyter notebook
In addition: start Spyder
- Do not use the P drive. Problems with Jupyter.
- The course notes and sample data are permanently online.
Programming with python - advanced
By Ann Gledson
Programming with python - advanced
University of Manchester Research-IT: Advanced programming with python course
- 831