The power of seeing into a situation.
What we will learn
Let's dive into a situation
There is a company called PM Geo which offers online map services.
One of the client is a company who needs to expand its branches.
Based on its product that sells woman fashion, PM Geo recommend the areas that have less male population.
But that's not enough.
If there is, PM Geo will learn that the company sells luxury products and realizes that in that area there are mostly female students who do not have a job and a stable income.
And the company also always promotes fashion products for men who want to give gifts to their wives.
PM Geo would have chosen the suitable areas based on insights about the company's nature of business or the household income of that areas instead of a merely fact.
That's what you should do, too. Use insights, not just facts or observations.
– Anonymous
Insight or fact
Let's find out
1 of 4 - What type of statement is this?
The birth rate in Malaysia has hit a low and is continuing to decline.
2 of 4 - What type of statement is this?
These days, it's more socially acceptable for people to choose their own ambitions over marriage.
3 of 4 - What type of statement is this?
Young drivers drive recklessly to impress other people and make themselves feel "manly".
4 of 4 - What type of statement is this?
MyVi drivers are more likely to speed than Honda drivers.
The insights here tapped into motivations and emotions.
The facts were..... just the facts.
Think of it this way:
An insight is what happens when you ask a fact,
"But why? What does it means?"
Insightful Insight
Make your insight great again
Insight is all about "aha" moment.
To get that moment, you need to do research on customer data.
You should look for data points; solid information and truths.
Then connect all together.
All gender
Records show the company sells shirts at all gender levels.
High-income people like to change their clothes every month.
Crowd Behavior
People love to shop clothes while comparing with other brands.
Back to the PM Geo's situation, their data points might have been:
The "aha" moment
If PM Geo's put those points together, they might get the "aha" moment, or
A suitable area may not only correspond to a certain population, but also relate to the lifestyle of high-income customers who like to shop in shopping malls that offer a wide variety of options.
Why do customers choose you over others?
What benefits of your product or service do customers really like?
Who are your regular customers who love being part of your services over years?
Where do people find out about your product or service?
When do customers interact with your services?
Question everything to get insight
Ask yourself: Why, What, Who, Where and When, to find your own "aha"
– Anonymous
True insight
The true insight
Last one.
Now that we've asked ourself the questions (the 5 Ws), done research, and connected data points.
As we go for that "aha" moment, there are 3 things that can help us find a TRUE insight.
1. fact
First, make sure the insight is based on a FACT, or a truth about the situation at hand.
Eg. The company sells mostly women's clothing.
2. Motivation
There should be a MOTIVATION for people to act.
Eg. The people in that area needs new clothes for the coming Raya.
3. tension
Lastly, look for a source of TENSION, or why people can't act on their motivation.
Eg. People in that area cannot afford to buy that brand of clothes.
Facts without insights do not have added value to the customer.
We will gain insight when we start asking Why, What, Who, Where, When on the facts.
Make sure the insight is based on facts, by motivating people to take our product or service, and without ignoring the tension factor that may be an obstacle for people to act.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
– Albert Einstein
Thank you
By Annuar Faiz
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