in the wake of
- Reactive Applications
- Big Data/Fast Data
- FP Scala
- Scala in practice
- Distributed Systems
where's scala going
highlights from Odersky's keynote
Beginning of the reactive platform
Scala-specific platform with TASTY
(Serialized Typed Abstract Syntax Trees) -
DOTC compiler (close to completion)
Type unions (U&T and U|T)
Implicits that compose
(implicit function types)
- Moving towards purity (in FP sense)
A lot of awesome slides @
SCALA platform
Dependent Object Types calculus paper
life beyond the illusion of present
highlights from Jonas Boner's keynote
Link to CRDT paper
philosophical talk about notion of time and consistency in distributed systems
Vector Clocks
CALM: consistency as logical monotonicity
- CRDT: cummutative replicated data types
In general terms, the CALM principle says that:
Link to CALM paper
- logically monotonic distributed code is eventually consistent without any need for coordination protocols (distributed locks, two-phase commit, paxos, etc.)
- eventual consistency can be guaranteed in any program by protecting non-monotonic statements (“points of order”) with coordination protocols.
Lambda Architecture
More awesome slides @ Reference implementation
how to unsuck your futures
def f1: Future[Option[Int]] = ???
def f2: Future[Option[Int]] = ???
def f3: Future[Option[Int]] = ???
val result = for{
a <- OptionT(f1)
b <- OptionT(f2)
c <- OptionT(f3)
} yield a + b + c
val finOption: Future[Option[Int]] =
monad transformers cont'd
def f1: Future[String \/ Int] = ???
def f2: Option[Int] = ???
def f3: Future[Int] = ???
val result = for{
a <- EitherT(f1)
b <- EitherT(Future(f2 \/> "B is missing"))
c <- EitherT( => \/.right(v))
} yield a + b + c
val finEither: Future[String \/ Int] =
DIY FUTure monad transformer
case class FutureOption[A](contents: Future[Option[A]]){
def flatMap[B](fn: A => FutureOption[B]) = FutureOption{
case Some(value) => fn(value).contents
case None => Future.successful(None)
def map[B](fn: A => B) = FutureOption{{ option =>
Monad is a typeclass with methods:
- map
- flatMap
- create
Great slides on this topic here
understanding the backend of big data
talk about distributed systems and
cluster resource management
cluster resource management
- Scala (and FP in general) is a perfect fit for
distributed computing - cluster resources are used for about 5-10% ,
mixed workloads - Mesos, Marathon & Myriad
dcos package install spark
dcos package install hdfs
check out for more details
essential scala
Six Core Concepts for Learning Scala by Noel Welsh
Expressions, types, & values
Objects and classes
- Algebraic data types
- Structural recursion
Sequencing computation
Type classes
Slides available here
algebraic data types
- Goal: translate data description into code
- Model data with logical ORs and ANDs
- Two patterns: product types(ANDs) and sum types(ORs)
- Sum and product together make algebraic data types
//product type: A has a B and C final case class A(b: B, c: C) //sum type: A is a B or C sealed trait A final case class B() extends A final case class C() extends A
//Example: a Calculation either succesfull and has value or failed and has an error
sealed trait Calculation
final case class Success(value: Int) extends Calculation
final case class Failure(msg: String) extends Calculation
structural recursion
- Goal: transform algebraic data type
- Two patterns:
pattern-matching & polymorphism
//pattern matching
sealed trait A {
def doSomething: H = {
this match {
case B(d, e) => doB(d, e)
case C(f, g) => doC(f, g)
final case class B(d: D, e: E) extends A
final case class C(f: F, g: G) extends A
sealed trait A {
def doSomething: H
final case class B(d: D, e: E) extends A {
def doSomething: H =
doB(d, e)
final case class C(f: F, g: G) extends A {
def doSomething: H =
doC(f, g)
structural recursion example
sealed trait Calculation {
def add(value: Int): Calculation =
this match {
case Success(v) => Success(v + value)
case Failure(msg) => Failure(msg)
final case class Success(value: Int) extends Calculation
final case class Failure(msg: String) extends Calculation
Processing algebraic data types immediately follows from the structure of the data
Can choose between pattern matching and polymorphism
Pattern matching (within the base trait) is usually preferred
sequencing computations
- Goal: patterns for sequencing computations
- Functional programming is about transforming values
- ... without introducing side-effects
- A => B => C
- Three patterns: fold,
map, and flatMap
- Fold is abstraction over structural recursion
DIY fold example
sealed trait A {
def doSomething: H = {
this match {
case B(d, e) => doB(d, e)
case C(f, g) => doC(f, g)
final case class B(d: D, e: E) extends A
final case class C(f: F, g: G) extends A
sealed trait A {
def fold(doB: (D, E) => H, doC: (F, G) => H): H = {
this match {
case B(d, e) => doB(d, e)
case C(f, g) => doC(f, g)
final case class B(d: D, e: E) extends A
final case class C(f: F, g: G) extends A
DIY fold example II
sealed trait Result[A] {
def fold[B](s: A => B, f: B): B =
this match {
Success(v) => s(v)
Failure() => f
final case class Success[A](value: A) extends Result[A]
final case class Failure[A]() extends Result[A]
- fold is a generic transform for any algebraic data type
- but it's not always the best choice
- not all data is algebraic data type
- there're another methods easier to use (map and flatMap)
essential scala conclusions
- Scala is simple
- 3 patterns are 90% of code
- 4 patterns are 99% of code
- program design in Scala is systematic
a purely functional approach to building large applications
by Noel Markham
- abstracting over monads
- Reader and ReaderT monads
(good post here) - Kleisli arrow
- Task monad
- "wiring" functions together
- scalaz, shapeless, scalacheck
Code and presentation available here
Easy Scalable Akka applications
- CQRS & ES (event sourcing)
Akka persistence over Cassandra
Akka clustering
Gatling stress tool
Boldradius blogpost and activator
template akka-dddd-template
ConductR for rolling upgrades!
Awesome approach to replace CRUD with storing WAL and snapshots to represent domain entities state and persist it in Cassandra
Slides available here
some other awesome topics
- Spores
- Project Gålbma: Actors vs. Types
- Finagle in SoundCloud
- Why Spark Is the Next Top (Compute) Model
- Scala.js
- The Reactive Streams Implementation Landscape
Videos and slides avalable @ Parleys
Some other links to slides @ cakesolutions blog
wraping up
- Scala language is now stable in terms of API changes
and moving towards being more functional as well
as growing a platform like JEE [in good sense =) ] - Scala is used as implementation language in
major and emerging distributed data
processing/computing frameworks
- Scalaz is used in wide variety of projects for
proper abstractions or just for making code
more concise and reusable (\/, transformers) - There're a lot of Scala libraries/frameworks
forming mature ecosystem (e.g. Akka and Play)
which is used for building large applications
be well and code in scala
In the Wake of Scala Days
By Anton Kirillov
In the Wake of Scala Days
A short summary of the talks from ScalaDays Amsterdam 2015
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