Using OpenStreetMap for mobility studies

Manage and plan changes in a transportation network with a data driven approach.

Long time OSM member/contributor.


Involved in many ways, organized a State of the Map, started OSM Belgium and (ex-)member of various OSM organizations and boards.


Software developer with specialty route planning.

We use OSM in *all* our products!



This presentation will have OpenStreetMap* on EVERY slide!

*either a map or via namedropping

Scenario Management

An editable version of the OpenStreetMap road network

Mobility Data

Simulated or actual measured movements where we can extract origin-destination data from


An API with OSM data that can

  • Fork the current OSM database.
  • Make local edits using OSM-API signature per fork.

An API that does routing on top of these forks.

An API that serves vector tiles on top of these forks.



OSM Replication

Scenario 0

Scenario 1

Scenario 2


Scenario Management

A PostGIS database with planet replication that allows forking the current OSM state into a new branch. Each branch is one scenario and has its own OSM-API endpoint.


A changeset is a commit and each commit has a routeplanner and vector tile layer. Only one open changeset per branch.


OSM Replication

Scenario 0

Scenario 1

Scenario 2


Scenario Management

All based on zoom level 14 tiles, on each commit modified tiles are generated. The latest tiles for each commit are then picked up for vector tiling and route planning.


Route planner also tile based.


Usually there are just a few modified tiles

=> almost instant updates




modified tiles list

vector tiles

routeable tiles

modified tiles list

vector tiles

routeable tiles

Scenario X

Scenario Management

Also planned:

An always up-to-date route planner on live OSM data.




Scenario Management

OSM Replication


We need data on where people travel and how!










Mobility Data

Extract origin-destination data








Mobility Data


Build and analyse different mobility scenarios.

- Simpler compared to a traffic model.

- Very quick to setup.

- Easy to use.

- Results are predictable and easily explained.

- Multimodal by default, existing traffic models focus a lot on cars cars cars.

1. Empty map

2. Load or simulate origin-destination data

3. Data applied

4. Edit road network

5. Data applied after changes


A communications tool for planned scenarios


A tool to generate open data about road closures.

Model road closure exactly

Once modelled we can publish DATEX using OpenLR

   to simulate the world

   as a source of urban data

   as a place to collaborate


OpenStreetMap is everywhere




OSM delivers

value! 💰

OSM delivers value not only to us...


ANYWAYS @ FOSS4G Belgium 2022

By Ben Abelshausen

ANYWAYS @ FOSS4G Belgium 2022

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