MGT411: DeFi

Privacy in blockchains


Concern: Privacy/Secrecy

  • intrinsic feature of public blockchains is that information gets stored by public addresses.
  • logic of smart contracts is visible to all
  • => firms have need of secrecy, individuals have rights to privacy

Root problem


  • large numbers of wallets/addresses
  • coinjoin
  • ring signatures
  • zero knowledge proofs


Zero Knowledge Proof: The Schnorr Identification Protocol

  • \(p\) any prime number.
  • \(q\) factor of \(p-1\).
  • \(a\) an integer such that \(a^q = 1 \text{ mod } p\).
  • Now need public-private keys \(v\) and secret \(s\)
    • \(\to\) \(s\) any integer such that \(0<s<q\)
    • \(\to\) \(v=a^{-s} \text{ mod } q\)
  • Note: if need be, adjust \(q\) for whatever \(s\) you want.
  • \(p,q,a,v\) are public knowledge.
  • \(M\) is a message.
  • We'll ignore the \(\text{mod}\) part :-) in much of the math
  • The sender wants to sign the message but not reveal the public key \(v\)
  • \(a\) an integer such that \(a^q = 1 \text{ mod } p\).
  • Now need public-private keys \(v\) and secret \(s\)
    • \(\to\) \(s\) any integer such that \(0<s<q\)
    • \(\to\) \(v=a^{-s} \text{ mod } q\)
  • Note: if need be, adjust \(q\) for whatever \(s\) you want.
  • \(p,q,a,v\) are public knowledge.
  • \(M\) is a message.

To clarify:
Private blockchain \(\not=\) privacy!

Concern: Privacy/Secrecy

large number of addresses

  • Creating an Ethereum address is free.
  • A bit what large funds do when they split trades across many brokers
    • \(\to\) hide true intentions for fear of front-running
  • Using an address is not free (each transaction costs fees), and actions may still be detectable.


  • Note: some tricks like coinjoin aren't enough.
  • See: "When the cookie meets the blockchain: Privacy risks of web payments via cryptocurrencies" by Goldfeder, Kalodner, Reismany, Narayanan

Concern: Privacy/Secrecy

Zero Knowledge Proof

  • Basic feature of blockchain:
    • public-private key signatures to prove ownership
    • Why? concern that the signatory is fraudulent
  • Idea of Zero knowledge:
    • the verifier may be fraudulent
    • reveal that you are the owner of information without revealing the information
    • essentially, send a validate-able signature without sending the public key \(\to\) without revealing your blockchain identity

Zero Knowledge Proof

processing a transaction is equivalent to validating two statements:

  1. the transaction signature is compatible with the respective public-key;
  2. there is a sufficient balance associated with the public-key wallet to enable this transaction.

  • validation can be done between two parties who need to run computations (will take tens of seconds)
  • "proof" here is a probabilistic statement, not a mathematical proof of a definitive truth

example: showing that you know something without revealing what something is

  • Imagine your friend is color-blind.
  • You have two billiard balls; one is red, one is green, but they are otherwise identical.
  • To your friend, they seem completely identical, and he is skeptical that they are actually distinguishable. You want to prove to him that they are in fact differently-colored. On the other hand,

    you do not want him to learn which is red and which is green.

example: I know "something"

  • ​You give the two balls to your friend so that he is holding one in each hand.
  • You can see the balls at this point, but you don't tell him which is which.
  • Your friend then puts both hands behind his back. Next, he either switches the balls between his hands, or leaves them be, with probability 1/2 each.
  • Finally, he brings them out from behind his back. You now have to "guess" whether or not he switched the balls.
  • I won't go into the maths here.
  • Cryptographic signatures have a flavor of ZK: you can proof that you signed without having to show what you signed it with

Problem: This is not fit for "mainnet" action! 

  • occurence of transaction is still visible
  • on Ethereum, consumes a lot of "gas"
    1. ZK Snark = 1,800,000 gas
    2. transaction = 21,000 gas
    3. 0.20 cent transaction => $17 for ZKs
      $1.5 (current median tx fee) => $130 for ZK
  • Can be used with "central" verifier one a side-channel
  • (why? \(\to\) back-and-forth between two parties only
  • \(\to\) currently used this way by zKSync

Blockchain privacy (MBA)

By Andreas Park

Blockchain privacy (MBA)

This deck covers privacy basics of privacy on blockchains, including zero-knowledge proofs.

  • 356