Trading Case: H3

The quick and dirty on H3

New symbols?

What's notable about the security?


Calls for SAC

  • standard European call option
  • 20 days to maturity
  • \(r_f=0\%\)
  • strike: $50
  • volatility 15%
  • other data from the case brief

What do you have to do?

you wrote the call \(\to\) you are the market maker and have to hedge your position

Anything special?

dig deep into your options knowledge and recall what delta-hedging is

What on Earth is Delta-Hedging?

Warning: the next set of slides will be a mathy hell for y'all as I'm doing the professor thing...

  • Stock can go
    • up to \(u\cdot S\) or
    • down to \(d\cdot S\).
  • Call payoffs: 
    • ​up: \(C_u=\max(0,uS-X)\)
    • down: \(C_d=\max(0,dS-X)\)
  • What's the price \(C\) of a call option at strike price \(X\) today?

Big idea:

  • Can we replicate the payoff from the call with other securities?
  • If so, use the law of one price!



What on Earth is Delta-Hedging?

  • Let's try replicating payoffs with the stock and the risk-free bond.
  • Build a portfolio:
    • \(H\) units of the stock
    • \(B\) units of the bond.

lazy notation:

  • What are payoffs of this portfolio?
    • Case 1: Stock price goes up:
      • \(H\times uS+(1+r_f)\times B\)
    • Case 2: Stock price goes down:
      • ​\(H\times dS+(1+r_f)\times B\)

Task: find \(H\) and \(B\) such that you match the payoffs of the call!

What on Earth is Delta-Hedging?

\[H\cdot u\cdot S+B\cdot R_f  =  C_u\]
\[H\cdot d\cdot S+B\cdot R_f  =  C_d\]


The Solution:

Economic Interpretation

  • Option payoff is replicated by a portfolio of
    • investment in stocks \[H=\frac{C_u-C_d}{(u-d)S}=\frac{\Delta C}{\Delta S}\]
  • risk free investment \[B= \frac{uC_d-dC_u}{(u-d)R_f}.\]

    \(H=\text{the Delta}=\text{change in call values per change in underlying stock}.\)

How does this help us find the price of the call?

\[C=HS+B=\frac{C_u-C_d}{(u-d)S}\cdot S +\frac{uC_d-dC_u}{(u-d)R_f}\]

Knowledge piece:

  • \(q\) is the risk neutral probability
  • Idea: if \(q\) would be the true probability of \(u\), then investors behave as if they are risk-neutral.

  • The law of one price:
    • price of call = \(H\times\) stock price + \(B\)
    • (we normalize the price of the bond to 1)

After simplifications:

\(C=\frac{1}{R_f}\left(q\cdot C_u+(1-q)\cdot C_d\right)\) where \(q=\frac{R_f-d}{u-d}.\)

Is that it?

  • Oh no. Now let's do it for another period!
  • Price can go to

    • \(u^2S\)

    • \(d^2S\)

    • \(udS=duS\)

  • Now we have option values
    • After period 1: \(C_d\) and \(C_u\)
    • After period 2: \(C_{uu},C_{ud},C_{dd}\)
  • How to price? \(\to\) go backwards!




Is that it?

  • One period from the end: \[C_u=\frac{1}{R_f}(q\cdot C_{uu}+(1-q)\cdot C_{ud})\] \[C_d=\frac{1}{R_f}(q\cdot C_{ud}+(1-q)\cdot C_{dd})\]
  • Two periods from the end \[C=\frac{1}{{R_f}^2}(q^2\cdot C_{uu}+2q(1-q)\cdot C_{ud}+(1-q)^2C_{dd})\]


That looks like a binomial formula!

Let's iterate this further!

  • risk-neutral probability \(q\) is constant
  • \(R_f\) is per period and not annualized
  • The replicating portfolio (\(H,B\)) changes as you move through the tree.
  • Values of u and d should be derived from stock's \(\sigma\)

\[u =\exp(\sigma\sqrt{\Delta t}),\] 

\[d =\exp(-\sigma\sqrt{\Delta t}).\]

\[C=\frac{1}{{R_f}^2}\sum^N_{j=0}\underbrace{\left(N \atop j\right)q^j(1-q)^{N-j}}_{\text{prob of \(j\)ups}\atop  \text{in \(N\)rounds}}\cdot \underbrace{\max(0,u^jd^{N-j}S-X)}_{\text{option payoff of \(j\)ups}\atop \text{and \(N-j\)downs}}.\]

Let's iterate this further!

With more rounds/periods, the probability distribution of the final stock prices looks smoother and smoother.

... and that eventually gets us to The Black-Scholes Formula

Price of a European call:

\[C=S\cdot N(d_{1})-X\cdot e^{-rT}\cdot N(d_{2})\]


\(C=\)Current call option value

\(S=\)Current stock price

\(N(d)\)= probability that a random draw from a normal distribution will be less than \(d\),

\(X =\)Exercise price

\(r=\)Risk-free interest rate (annualized, continuously  compounded with the same maturity as the option)

\(T =\)time to maturity of the option in years

\(\sigma = \)Standard deviation of the stock.


\(d_{1}  =  \frac{ \ln\left( \frac{S}{X}\right) + T\left(r + \frac{ \sigma^2}{2}\right)}{ \sigma \sqrt{T}}, \)

\(d_{2}  =  d_{1} -  \sigma \sqrt{T}.\)


... and now full cycle to the \(\Delta-\)Hedge

Initial replicating portfolio:    

  • \(H=\frac{\partial C}{\partial S}=N(d_1)\) in stocks \(\to\)Delta hedge ratio,
  • \(B=-Xe^{-rT}N(d_2)\) in the risk free asset
  • Depending on where you "are" currently on the price curve, your hedge ratio differs.
  • As the price of underlying asset \(S\) and time-to-expiration \(T\) change, so does the replicating portfolio.

Black-Scholes "hugs" the curve of the payoff at maturity and gets closer has \(t\to\) maturity

steep slope = high hedge ratio

flat slope = low hedge ratio

Last item: volatility

  • Unobservable input: volatility.

  • Option's market price implies volatility!
  • Quotes are often by implied volatilities.
  • true vol \(>\) implied vol \(\to\) underpriced
  • Lingo: delta-neutral \(=\) hedge against stock-price fluctuations through position in stock s.t. total delta of position \(=0\).
  • Often: same underlying,different vol ("volatility smile") \(\to\) inconsistent with BS.
  • Estimating "volatility surface" is a big task and now done with machine learning tools.
  • Option value is positively related to volatility.

XIU Options from the Montreal Exchange

Source: Bloom (2009). The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks. Econometrica 77(3), 623-685.

A Common Application

Portfolio insurance

  • when things go bad, you want your investment loss limited,

  • but you also want to benefit from the upside

slightly (but crucially) imprecise because the plot ignores the cost for the option \(\to\) insurance isn't free!


secure \(S\)

benefit from upside

  • you bought a stock at \(S\)
  • value in \(t=3\) months for price \(S_t\)


  • Now add a put with strike \(S\)
  • Its payoff:


An Alternative way to create the same payoff!


secure \(S\)

benefit from upside

  • you bought a call with strike \(S\)


  • Suppose you also bought riskless bonds with combined value of \(S\) 


Compare costs of the two portfolios "today"

Cost of strategy 1: stock + put = \(S+P\)

Cost of strategy 2: bond + call = \(PV(S)+C\)

BUT: they provide the same payoff profile at maturity

\(\Rightarrow\) The Law of One Price applies

bond + call = stock + put

\(\Leftrightarrow\) \(S+P = PV(S)+C\)

And that's what we call put-call-parity

Please note: this doesn't tell you the right price for a call, it tells you the relationship between put and call prices.

Back to H3

What do you have to do?

you wrote the call \(\to\) you are the market maker and have to hedge your position

Anything special?


  • Now you know what delta-hedging is, devise a strategy for it
  • Note: prices fluctuate and so you will deviate from the optimal hedge. But trading costs money! So take that into account.

MGT435: Options Case H3

By Andreas Park

MGT435: Options Case H3

  • 970