Crypto-Economics, Blockchains, and Tokenomics

based on a paper by Katya Malinova and Andreas Park

What is a token?


An Economic Model of ICO

  • entrepreneur wants to produce a good or service
  • Demand is uncertain and only revealed after production. 
  • \(\Rightarrow\) maximizes monopoly profits


marginal cost

marginal revenue

ICO/Token Financing

general idea: sell future output

two approaches for token sales

  • sell a fraction of future revenue
  • = revenue sharing
  • sell units of future output
  • = output presale



marginal cost

marginal revenue

Revenue Sharing

\(\Rightarrow\) shifts marginal revenue for entrepreneuer left because get only fraction of revenue

Result: underproduction

NB: Chod and Lyandres (2018) have the same result



marginal cost

marginal revenue

Output presale

Entrepreneur does not internalize that extra output unit affects revenue for tokenholders!

Result: overproduction

Is token financing inferior?

  • revenue sharing: underproduction
  • output presale: overproduction



  • "does not internalize" = externality
  • address externality: TAX!
  • here: tax future token income
  • incremental token income gets shared
  • obvious answer: combine the two!
  • issue \(t\) tokens ex ante
  • share \(\alpha_t\) of new tokens
  • token share \[\alpha_t=\frac{t}{c+t}\]

Token financing is NOT inferior!

ICOs with Moral Hazard

Common result in the literature: only debt guarantees effort

Idea: entrepreneur can influence expected demand with "effort"

effort is costly

  • common topic in corporate finance
  • very relevant in "decentralized" world where developers are scattered around the globe
  • also applicable to, e.g. established firms that do something new

Is it worth it for the entrepreneur?

Optimal contract looks like debt:

  • get nothing if demand is low (only original tokenholders get anything)
  • benefit if demand is high

Formal result

  • With moral hazard,
    • all projects that can be financed by equity can be financed by the optimal token contract but
    • some projects that can be financed by optimal tokens contracts cannot be financed by equity.

Superiority of Token over Equity Financing


  • Simple model of ICO vs equity financing from the standard corporate finance toolbox
  • Theorem 1: Without frictions,
    • an optimal token contract finances the same projects as equity
    • the entrepreneur earns the same rents under the optimal token contract
  • Theorem 2: With entrepreneurial moral hazard,
    • any equity-financeable project can be financed by an optimal token
    • some token-financeable projects cannot be financed by equity
  • ​\(\Rightarrow\) There is economic and conceptual merit to token financing

Key Technology Questions for  Blockchain Design


cybersecurity and privacy



smart contract features and verification

Key Economic Questions for Blockchain Design

  • system governance

    • political economy

  • contract/token design

    • corporate finance

  • How does platform payment interactions with outside world

    • open-economy macro

  • How much do we have to pay operators to maintain the chain?

    • mechanism design

The Problem: Crypto-Schizophrenia

libertarian view of markets & regulation

rejection of economics and finance

My beef with the crypto community



technology + economics

Three Fallacies for Crypto Markets

crypto assets = traditional equities

crypto trading = traditional trading

crypto entities = traditional firms

My beef with the non-crypto world

Hiccups vs. End-games

Feb 2000

Aug 2014

Nasdaq recovered ...

Hiccups vs. End-games

The German "New Market" did not - it closed for good

State of the Debate on Tokens

Is there economic merit to tokens?

Do tokens solve an economic problem?

Summary for Future of Blockchain

blockchain only useful with applications

applications require (tech + economics) + business

understanding of economics on blockchain requires development

our paper: \(\exists\) real economic value in tokens, when used properly


Formal result: Optimal Token Contract

Presell \(t\) tokens.

Equivalence of Equity & Token Financing

If quantity produced \(q>t\), then share \(\alpha_t\) of revenue from incremental \(q-t\) tokens with tokenholders

As with equity, the entrepreneur receives the full NPV.

The entrepreneuer produces optimally at \(q^t=q^m\)

If \(q<t\)  \(\Rightarrow\) redeem at rate \(t/q\) and tokenholders receive refund of \(c(t-q)\).

Cumulative sales since Jan 2016

Data: coinschedule

$25B total

$21B in 2018

for comparison: total size of

  • Toronto Stock Exchange: $2,200B

  • Toronto Venture Exchange: $41B

And now over to Tokenomics

A taxonomy of coins vs tokens



  • native to a blockchain for payment

  • examples: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether, Lumens, Cardano

  • build on top of or linked to an existing blockchain
  • various uses, not just payments




Stable coins

The Ugly Truth: Scams

Source: Satis Group LLC

The Ugly Truth: Failure Rate

Source: Morgan Stanley (Nov 2018) “Update: Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain”

Key: you cannot collect money from just anybody!

The Ugly Truth: Many tokens are securities

Finance and Tokenomics: short

By Andreas Park

Finance and Tokenomics: short

I used this deck for a presentation at the 2019 MMF symposium. Part of it is based on a research paper with Katya Malinova, available here: and a summary is available here

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