Arash Zolfaghari 

 UX / Developer / Photographer 

BioDev | UX | ProjectsPhoto | Music 


One statement could summarize how I view the world :

 We live in amazing times 

 I'm a passionate SF bay area Software developer / UX designer

I also enjoy photography and music. 

Pleasure to meet you :-) 

View Arash Zolfaghari's profile on LinkedIn

Professional Capabilities

User Interface

Usability Testing

Database Architecture

Front-end Development

Business Intelligence



MS in Enterprise Software Engineering
School of Computer Engineering
San Jose State University
Graduated 2002

BS in Electrical / Computer Engineering
School of Engineering
University of California Davis
Graduated 1998

Recent Experiences

Principal Software Engineer
Symantec Inc.

Senior Software Engineer
Lifelock Inc.

Senior UI Engineer

Previous Experiences

Senior Marketing Developer / Project Manager
North Coast Medical, Jan 2010 -Jan 2013

IT Manager
North Coast Medical, Jan 2008 - Jan 2010

Developer / Senior Data Analyst
North Coast Medical, Jan 2003 - Jan 2008

Business Data Analyst
North Coast Medical, Jan 2001 - Jan 2003


Previous Experiences

QA Engineer
Phoenix Pop Production, Jan 1999 - May 2000

Developer / Intern
IBM, San Jose,  Jan 1997 - April 1997

QA Engineer
Intel, Folsom, May 1996 - Sept 1996



Languages & Frameworks

  • Javascript  
  • React
  • React Native
  • CSS 
  • Firebase 
  • Mongodb
  • Backbone.js 
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Angular


  • Linux (Debian, Ubuntu,Centos)
  • Mac OS X
  • Windows

Source Control

  • Git
  • Subversion
  • CVS
  • Bitbucket


  • Firebase
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Oracle
  • Mongo
  • Sphinx

CMS / E-commerce

  • Spree
  • Wordpress
  • WooCommerce
  • WP e-commerce
  • Drupal
  • Ghost


  • d3.js
  • Raphaël.js
  • Reveal.js

Data Analysis

  • R
  • Matlab

Business Intelligence

  • Cognos
  • Tableau

Project Management

  • Microsoft Project
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Pivotal Tracker
  • Agile Development

Recent Interests

As web components and standards across industry are in the process of maturation I'm viewing the following projects with interest :

  • Alexa / Google home voice centric development
  • MERN Stack (Mongo, Express, React, Node)
  • MEAN Stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
  • Polymers.js (See


  • Interview stakeholders , 
  • Brainstorming Meeting, 
  • Research / information gathering
  • Heuristic evaluation, 
  • Keeping up on industry trends

UX Example of Daily Activity

UX Design Questions

What are the business requirements? „ 

What are the user requirements? „ 

What is the best design solution 
that  meets both the business
and user requirements?

User Stories

They are about analyzing needs

Behavior you'll build into software to
meet those needs

Use Cases describe a complete interaction
between the software and users
(and possibly other systems)

Elements of Use Case

  • Actor 
  • Stakeholder
  • Primary Actor
  •  Preconditions
  • Triggers
  • Main success scenarios [Basic Flow]
  • Alternative paths [Alternative Flow]

UX Related Tools & Links

Concepts :

Fitt's Law , Latency Reduction,  Learnability

Recent Projects

Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems 

Recent Projects


Recent Projects

Shardad Rohani's Official Website(s)

Recent Projects
Artist Hamed Nikpay's Official Website

Recent Projects

North Coast Medical Virtual Showroom Version 0.1

Recent Projects

North Coast Medical External Website (


 Some of my captured moments 
 around the Bay Area 

Title : Bending Light  Location : San Jose, CA 

 Title : Festive Flight   Location : Santa Cruz, CA 

Title : Spring   Location: San Ramon, CA

Title: Shell Pattern  Location : Halfmoon Bay, CA

 Title : Perfect Symmetry   Location : San Francisco,CA 

 Title : Sand Curviture  Location : Halfmoon Bay 

Title : Remember Sunset   Location : Land's End, San Francisco

 Title : Love  Location : Carmel, CA 

One early Saturday morning I noticed on my drive passing Fremont, CA that in the middle green hills of spring there is still white snow clinging to remind us of the winters past. I hiked up the hill to capture this conversational moment between the two seasons.

Title : Winterly Spring  Location : Fremont, CA

 Title : Solo Flight  Location : Berkeley, CA 

Title : Chill Puppy  Location : Tibron ,CA

 Title : Joyous Red  Location : Chinatown, SF 

Title Persian Perspolis  Location : Darius , Napa

Title : Spring Grape  Location : Napa

 Title : After the Rain  Location : Los Gatos, CA 

Title : Bloom  Location : Morgan Hill, CA


My favorite instrumental pieces from various artists

Noside Music

Some of my own compositions  under the
pseudo name Noside  at the following site : 

Arash Zolfaghari

By Arash

Arash Zolfaghari

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