Andrew Goodwin's Theory! 

His theory:

Andrew Goodwin doesn't think that traditional narrative analyses apply much to pop videos. Pop videos are built around songs, pop videos uses the singer both as narrator and character. Also, the singer often looks directly at the camera- this is an extension of )music-hall_ performance& trying to engage the viewer, entertain them with the video. Video repeats images in the way the song repeats choruses or lines. Pop videos rely heavily on repetition. People can become familiar with the genre & have certain expectations because of the repetition in songs of parts or rhythms of other songs. It builds to climax or to a constant repetition before fading away. The way they portray a song visually could sometimes go beyond the original meaning. Sometimes videos are created for visual pleasure, to win viewers in case the song isn't something they like. It encourages viewers to watch it even more which therefore promotes the music/artist or band. There can be three types of relations between songs which are amplification, dis-juncture and illustration.


Occurs when the videos introduce new meanings that do not contradict with the lyrics but add layers of meaning.


Where the video tells the story of the lyrics for example "Pap don't preach" by Madonna. Dance is often used to express the feelings/moods in the song.

Little connection between lyrics &video OR when video contradicts the lyric.


Illustration video example: "Florida Georgia Line- Dirt" 

The lyrics of the song are about a couple that have been together, married but the woman 'Rose' dies. Music video contains a character, which is Rosie's spouse,  that narrates their love story, reminiscing the times he and Rosie had together. For example, the character mentions "...Rosie brang my lunch after the field everyday", video shows Rosie doing exactly that by bringing her boyfriends lunch. The name of the song 'dirt' was being shown in the video 3 times, where the couple played around with the dirt. Song is about the memories they had, whilst Rosie was alive, had several flashbacks from when they were first together, then when they were married, then at her graveyard with her 5 children and spouse. Another example, talking about a party then a party appears in the music videos illustrating their moments together, Another e.g. "Rosie and I had 5 children, one died at birth". then they show 4 children running towards the 'shovel' being mentioned also about the moments when they were together.


Amplification video example: Mark Ballas- Miss Incredible

Talks about how woman are beautiful and 'incredible', speaks about a specific girl in the beginning but then adds layers of meaning by portraying woman as brave, strong, fighters and believers.

Example: Woman with no hair, with a hospital background being displayed with a shirt saying 'Just believe' on it indicating she's ill but a fighter.

Example: female soldier, indicating her strength and bravery.

Example: Woman with a poster in a apartment with "Woman are important too", promoting equality. Also, poster saying 'Votes for woman- Come to Parlimant Square TODAY'.

The artist includes layers of meaning saying that every female is 'incredible' and no matter what the situation in your life is, it doesn't mean anything and that you're still important to the world and worth any battle you're facing.


Dis-juncture Video Example- Arctic Monkeys- R U Mine

The music video provides very little connection between the lyrics and video. The video has nothing to do with the lyric as it is based on a woman he loves and about wanting her back. There is no indication of this in the music video as it's based on a stage performance miming the words in a car, and with the radio playing their song. 


By arbriekr


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