Nuclear Waste

Charles Goek Cher Jun (5)

Arnold Tan An (2)

Darius Quek Yu Kai (8)

Jediel Yew Shen (11)

Nuclear Energy Production

Nuclear Fuel


Nuclear Energy

Useful Heat/


Nuclear Waste

Contents of waste


  • Mainly unconverted Uranium
  • Plutonium
  • Curium

Classification of Nuclear Waste 

Low - lightly contaminated items (e.g. tools and work clothing)

Intermediate - effluents from reprocessing

High - used nuclear fuel



By Volume

By Radioactive Content

High Level Waste



Intermediate Level Waste



Low Level Waste




Treatment for nuclear waste leak

  • Nuclear radioactivity diminishes over long periods of time through many processes of half lives.
  • Hence, if stored for long periods of time the nuclear radioactivity would slowly diminish to a insignificant amount that is not relatively harmful.

Waste Management

  • Spent fuel pool
  • Dry cask storage
  • Deep geological repository

Spent fuel pool

  • Storage pools for spent nuclear fuel
  • Spent nuclear fuel has high temperatures
  • Water in the pool cools the nuclear fuel
  • Nuclear fuel cools in the pool for 10-20 years before reprocessing or disposal

Dry cask storage

  • Steel cylinder above-ground that stores cooled nuclear fuel
  • Provides leak-tight containment of spent fuel
  • Concrete vault provide radiation shielding

Deep geological repository

  • Nuclear waste repository
  • Located deep underground (below 300m)
  • Long-term isolation of nuclear waste
  • Storage without maintenance

Impact of waste on environment

  • Mutation eg. trees, land and sea creatures
  • Acid rain
  • Contamination of water sources and land

Impacts on people

  • Lifestyles affected
  • Mutations
  • Mass death

Case Study

Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster

Background Information

  • 11 March 2011
  • Meltdown of 3 nuclear reactors
  • Failure occurred when nuclear plant was hit by tsunami
  • Tsunami was triggered by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake

Relief Efforts

  • Cooling the reactors with recirculated and decontaminated water
  • Evacuation and sheltering for areas within 20 km zone
  • Waste will undergo final disposal in 30 years time
  • Costs 1 trillion yen

Nuclear Waste

By Arnold Tan

Nuclear Waste

  • 531