Innovation Project
 Integrating „EcoSim“ Educational Simulation Games into College Curriculum

Gabija Stanaitytė, Arūnas Liuiza


Understanding of basic economic principles is increasingly important in modern labor market.

  • More than 11% of all occupied people in Lithuania were self employed in 2016 (Lithuanian Statistics Department).

It is difficult to motivate and engage college students in basic Microeconomics classes.

  • Microeconomics courses are general, not specialization subject.
  • Y Generation / Z generation students do not like to learn via traditional methods - lectures, research papers, etc (Hills et al, 2017).


  • Simulation games have been successfully used to increase student engagement, both abroad and in Lithuania (E. Bagdonas et al, 2010, 2013) (E. Clarke, 2009).
  • It is an active, technology-based teaching method, that is attractive to Y Generation / Z Generation students. (Hills et al, 2017).
  • It can be integrated into existing curriculum without major disruption.

Previous Attempts

  • Junior Achievement's MESE / JA Titan project (USA)
  • CESIM (Finland), Celemi (Sweden)
  • KTU's Kietas riešutas (E.Bagdonas et al)

EcoSim Adam

  • An online, computer-based business simulation game, developed in Lithuania by a team lead by A. Liuiza (2008, 2010, 2012).
  • Specifically designed to have good balance of educational value and entertainment.
  • Good fit to illustrate basic Microeconomics concepts.


  • Research methods:
    • Qualitative research;
    • Comparative analysis.
  • Management and implementation:
    • Financial management;
    • Coordination;
    • Organisation;
    • Implementation.


  • Step-by-step approach;
  • Initiation;
  • Planning and design;
  • Execution;
  • Control and integration;
  • Validation;
  • Closure.

Task 1. Teacher guidebook

  • Guidelines how to run game sessions and how to use game situations in teaching process.
  • Duration - 12 months
  • KPI - Proficiency Rates for each Subject
  • Deliverables:
    • The Guidebook
    • New knowledge and experience

Task 2. Pilot project

  • Implementation of the model game as a part of introductory Microeconomics.
  • Duration - 6 months (4 months - course, 2 months - modifications)
  • KPI - Reports, comments and reflections.
  • Deliverables:
    • First introduction to target groups
    • reports, comments and reflections
    • Improved Guidebook

Task 3. Training Sessions

  • 10 training sessions for college teachers.
  • Duration - 5 months (2 sessions per month)
  • KPI - number of sessions and participants
  • Deliverables:
    • A number of trained teachers
    • Feedback for further development
    • Game introduced to the market

Level of innovation

  • This project most closely matches definition of process innovation per Oslo Manual.
  • EcoSim game - an innovative product. And the implemented product can further be used as marketing tool.
  • This project has the potential to have impact on organisational, national and international level.

Schedule Risks

  • Attention to legal issues;
  • Time tolerance for managerial fails;
  • Steering committee meetings to ensure timely reporting;
  • Monitoring and evaluation mechanism;
  • Risk management plan;

Project Review

  • Additional reference to international research on business simulations;
  • Clarified relations between methodology and tasks;
  • Improved task descriptions;


1. Oficialiosios statistikos portalas. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2017, from

2. Hills, C. M., Levett-Jones, T., Lapkin, S., & Warren-Forward, H. (2017). Generation Y Health Professional Students’ Preferred Teaching and Learning Approaches: A Systematic Review. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5(1), 12.



3 .Bagdonas, E., Patasiene, I., & Skvernys, V. (2013). How to cope with the complexities of a business game. International Simulation and Gaming Research Yearbook: Simulations and Games for Emergency and Crisis Management, 100.


4. Bagdonas, E., Patašienė, I., Patašius, M., & Skvernys, V. (2010). Use of simulation and gaming to enhance entrepreneurship. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 102(6), 155-158.



5. Liuiza, A., & Ignatavičius, J. (2012). Application of Simulation Teaching Methods. EcoSim case. Innovations In Publishing, Printing And Multimedia Technologies,68-74.


6 .Liuiza, A., & Ignatavičius, J. (2010). Application Of Simulation Games In Education Process. Innovations In Publishing, Printing And Multimedia Technologies,18-23.Application of simulation games in education process.



7. Oslo Manual. (2005). Paris: OECD Publishing.


8. Clarke, E. (2009). Learning outcomes from business simulation exercises: Challenges for the implementation of learning technologies. Education+ Training, 51(5/6), 448-459.


Thank You!

Innovation Project EcoSim

By Arūnas Liuiza

Innovation Project EcoSim

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