Hitchhiker's guide


Arūnas Liuiza

WordPress Core Contributor, WordPress Kaunas Meetup co-organizer, WordCamp (Lithuania, Riga, Stockholm, Jyväskylä, Oslo, Norrköping, Dublin, Lisbon) speaker and one of the editors of the Lithuanian WordPress translation team.



WordPress plugin developer


Engineering Manager at

The Answer to Life, the Universe
and Everything?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

- Arthur C. Clarke,1973

/whois WP-CLI

The official command line tool for interacting with and managing your WordPress sites.


Yup, the Terminal.


Official website: https://make.wordpress.org/cli/handbook/​


  • UNIX-like environment (OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Cygwin);
    • limited support in Windows environment
  • PHP 5.6 or later.
  • WordPress 3.7 or later.
    • Versions older than the latest WordPress release may have degraded functionality


curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar

brew install wp-cli

composer global require wp-cli/wp-cli




The Basics

Anatomy of a Command

wp plugin update akismet --version=1.0.0
wp command action input --parameter=value


Global Parameters

--path=            a path to s WordPress directory

--url=               url of the site

--user=            set user






wp ... anything

wp config

wp core

wp cache

wp comment

wp cron

wp db

wp export

wp import

wp media

wp menu

wp network

wp option

wp package

wp post

wp post-type

wp profile

wp rewrite

wp role

wp server

wp sidebar

wp search-replace

wp site

wp super-admin

wp taxonomy

wp term

wp transient

wp widget



Build Your Own Commands

if ( class_exists( 'WP_CLI' ) ) {
  WP_CLI::add_command( 'hello', 'arunas_cli_hello' );
function arunas_cli_hello( $args, $options ) {
  WP_CLI::success( 'Hello, World!' );


Hitchhiker's guide to WP-CLI - Lisbon

By Arūnas Liuiza

Hitchhiker's guide to WP-CLI - Lisbon

WordPress Day for Developers - Lisbon, November 2024

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