Mao Tse-Tung
By: Alejandro Sánchez A.
Early Age
Dropped out to help in the farm.
- Rural workers family.
- Basic education focused in agricultural production.
- Born in Hunan, China on 26th December 1893.
1918: Graduated from Changsha's Education School.
1911: Joined Nationalist Army for six months.
Worked in Peking University.
Developed his socialist spirit.
Socialist spirit
1921: Participated in CPC foundation.
Farmer's misery -> Social change
1931: First President Soviet Republic of China.
Conflicts with KMT + Chiang Kai -Shek.
1934: "Long March".
Mao's Power
1949 : CPC defeated KMT in the Civil War.
1st October 1949: People's Republic of China declaration.
Followed the Soviet Socialist Society Model.
1957: "Great Leap Forward".
1959: Mao left China's presidency.
Mao's Power continues...
1960: Rejected Peaceful Coexistance and Imperialism.
1966: Red Book published.
- 1966 - 1969: Proletarian Cultural Revolution + Red Guard.
9th September 1976: Mao died in Peking.
China after Mao
Sick man of Asia -> Second most important superpower worldwide
but...which was the PRICE?
-> Opposition tactically killed and removed from his party.
-> Remained 27 years in Power.
...and most shocking...
-> Religion was transformed.
Mao Tse-Tung
By asanch41
Mao Tse-Tung
- 584