20 Signs

You Live In A



No matter how poor you are, you always manage to have the
latest smartphone.  You might be sharing a shack with your friend to pay rent, but somehow the latest technology can be found in your hands and paid for every month.


No one likes you in a romantic way, and when they do, you will never know until there are suddenly TWO of them and you have to make a gut-wrenching decision.  Hint:  You never end up picking the friend.


You have your emotional breakdowns in moving vehicles.  If you have your own car, you will swerve and furiously change lanes for no reason.  If you are without wheels, there's always the back of the bus.


That person you like that no one is chasing after?  Suddenly, when you realize you may like them, a random person will fly out of nowhere and proclaim them theirs.  This person is usually beautiful, rich, and probably in good with their parents.


No matter how crazy you are, you have that one friend who is slightly more crazy.  Regardless, that friend is always there to provide a shoulder to cry on.


At some point, you will be carried by the person you like.  You will probably not get to enjoy it, as you will likely be unconscious or too intoxicated.


Upset that someone keeps calling you?  You angrily take the batteries out of your phone, ignoring the fact that the caller will probably still hit your voice-mail.


Chances are, you've already met the person you were meant to be with....and you don't remember each other now.


You either own or have family that own a restaurant.  If this doesn't apply to you, you either live in the same building as a restaurant or have somehow found a job within one.


You think you look okay, but for whatever reason, the men in your life are far more beautiful than you will ever be.


When you're angry, upset, or just emotionally overwhelmed, you feel that everywhere is your domain, even busy streets.  Traffic laws?  They don't exist when you want to walk or run into the street in a fit of emotion.


It's almost guaranteed that the person you like will be in a state of undress at some point with you around.  You will either stare or freak out a little.


Your most embarrassing moments will be seen by your school, your work, and that person you like.  The only good side to this is that the hot guy will think you look stupid, yet adorable.


You are an orphan or a product of a secret relationship involving a millionaire.  At some point, your orphaned status will play a part in your romantic relationship...


You are a part of a styling montage that will result in that person who thinks you only mildly beautiful, if at all, thinking you are the most beautiful creature on Earth.  WARNING: Only works with expensive makeup and clothing.


No matter how strong-willed and intimidating you are, the person who you like romantically will always grab your arm or face aggressively.  45% of the time this will result in a kiss.


They may be rich and beautiful, but we can guarantee that attractive person in your romantic life has problems or some kind of weird neurosis.


The love of your life is really into you, but their rich and usually overbearing parental figure is not.  They will lie, cheat, and even kill to get you out of the picture.


No matter how quiet or how isolated you are, if you are telling a secret to someone or talking about something sensitive, someone will always overhear.


You are the most accident-prone person on Earth.  If you get slightly hit on the head, tapped mildly by a car, or are too beautiful, you will either end up in a coma or get cancer.  Even slight scrapes will get you rushed to an emergency room.

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20 Signs You Live In A Kdrama

By 247 Asian Media

20 Signs You Live In A Kdrama

Ever had a feeling while watching a Kdrama that some writer somewhere ripped off your own life? Are the pages of the scripts from your favorite Kdramas filled with tidbits of your own memories? Here are a few clues that might mean that you indeed live in the Kdrama world.

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